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  • I enjoy understanding it, but when it gets hard it's just frustrating.

    Why do you ask what I study, are you thinking about what you want to do youself?
    I'd only go back if I were pursuing further maths stuff in a phd or something, the only way I'd consider studying anything else were if I won the lottery or of the government went back on its raising tuition fees (which is never going to happen)
    What about the 1/3 who don't? Like, what defines a 'friend' to you, if they don't tell you?

    Or Aqua, haha. (Because of the SS Aqua I have this weird headcanon that people from Team Aqua went on the straight and narrow and so started a cruise business in a region where no one's heard of them.)
    Not really no. I could go on to do graduate stuff but I don't think I'm good enough to do that.

    And I just don't know what actual jobs there are out there that would interest me/I would be good at.
    Yes, that's the one! I recognise the hat.

    (I was about to ask you if that was one of the words you say the British way but I just looked back and I already asked that.)
    Haha I never really know how to figure out whether someone's my friend or not irl. Here there's the Friends list so you can assign people as your friends and stuff but it's not like there's a solid line between Friend and Not Friend and everyone falls strictly on one side or the other.

    Supernovas are more catastrophic, I guess. Also alliteration is. alliteration, I guess?
    That one, and I'd probably recognise the one before that, though I can't remember what that one looks like at the moment.

    What do you mean, do you mean the reason I go to school , or what subject I study?
    In my experience summer is boring and people are boring too, mostly, but if you do things they get dramatic.

    I was going to ask you can I call you SN now that new username and all but then I got to wondering what sn stands for and yeah
    I didn't realise you'd changed your name. I thought Sardonic Nova and Mohac were different people.
    Umm, out of curiosity, did my message make it through? The servers crashed when I sent it.
    On the other hand I recently taught myself to wink with my right eye (I could only do the left before)...
    I'm trying so hard I hope you realise how incredibly ridiculous I look
    my fc is 3883-5650-7552, can you register me as a friend and can we get online simultaneously sometime so i can access your friend safari lol
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