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  • Whenever I check out a book on something like programming they're never as useful as I expected them to be. I think it's because I'm used to googling anything when a problem comes up so the book format is largely outdated for topics like that.

    I used to want to make films but I quickly gave up since my stories were rubbish (i.e. I tried to write stories based off of what happened in my dream that night)
    i kinda wanna learn piano so i can have some idea of accompaniment in auditions!

    Dance. That's what we do.
    I honestly don't really remember it. If it is what I think it is, don't worry about it. I went on a rampage that should have been better thought out. Stand up for what you think is right in the face of opposition.
    nah, just my voice. I can plunk out notes on a piano if necessary, but playing it? nope. doesn't happen
    So have you been doing much programming recently?

    (or writing ideas for movies? That sounds interesting!)
    oh my god that's awful

    hopefully! i have auditions that day to so hopefully good things happen

    you haven't but jim carrey's cool
    I move in on August 26th, classes start the next day.

    In other words:

    "Happy twentieth birthday! Get out of the house."

    (It's even worse when I turn twenty one because that's my FIRST DAY OF CLASSES SENIOR YEAR)
    Hi! If you get this message at all soon-ish, I'll be just sitting online for awhile doing errands if you wouldn't mind hopping on and off.
    i think there's also stuff about finding the right people for your production and shit like that

    and since everyone is great in my eyes...yeah.
    oh yeah they've been done for a while

    HOPEFULLY i'm doing an actual! performance thing! but i haven't heard anything from it so SHRUGS

    other than that i've got a jazz class (SWEET), a directing class (...less sweet!), music theory and a general music class
    Hi! I've been looking for someone with Ditto in their Friend Safari. Would you care to trade friend codes with me? Mine is 0533-5115-6128.
    I mean, we did Pythagoras's theorem but that was mainly an add-on to "this is a triangle, it has three sides"
    And I suppose we learned about angles and how certain lines have equal angles. I guess I don't remember a lot of it because it's either something I've never used or something that seems obvious by now.

    At least you have some ideas! Though there probably isn't anything that combines all of them unless you make a flash game with a story and voice acting and do all of the jobs yourself.
    I can't say much about geometry because I don't know what kind of geometry you learn at school (the extent I did it was just "this is a square. it has four sides") but for trig I find the animations you find on wikipedia to be quite useful.

    What are you thinking of?
    oh my gosh i am so sorry i missed this for a couple days that is awful holy shit
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