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  • Haha, I relate so much to your definition of "spare time". I always think to myself if I should program or try to draw something and I think "well I could do that, but I suppose I could be playing Mario right now too..."

    A bit! I'm basically trying to write maths programs. The thing is, the things I'm writing have no reason to be written in Python. There's a language called MATLAB that does everything I've written today automatically (and more efficiently) if you give it an input. So what I've ended up with is pointless but I suppose the experience I got from it isn't.
    There's a set of rules a lot of people follow with steam sales.
    Only buy during the summer/winter sale; Only buy the game if it is a flash sale or a community choice sale OR if it's the last day of the sale.

    I asked you this a few weeks ago but the answer might have changed. Are you still programming? What are you doing?
    Right! It is confusing that a lot of games do with "CPU" to be short for computer considering the CPU is the name of a component of the computer. It does get confusing sometimes. I thought you might have meant it was a really badly coded game and it overheated the CPU ot ran too slowly or something.

    I know that feeling. Although I actually haven't bought many games for a while. When I do buy games though, it's with the money I already have in my steam wallet which I get by selling the trading card you get from playing the games. I've learned to never buy a PC game if it's not less than £10. It means I can't buy most games when they come out but I'm patient (and wouldn't have a computer good enough to play them at release anyway)
    When you say CPU do you mean computer players or the central processing unit?

    Do you have steam?
    okay i thought you misread it as pan. repeatedly.

    i was actually envisioning the regal-ish paper/fabric fans but cooling devices are fabulous too so now i'm using that
    I haven't heard much about that, just the rubbish always online stuff, and also how the map size is quite small so you can't make huge metropolises.
    I don't even know why fankind my brain just went "sadie would use a fan"

    that sounds amazing
    It's not that hard. If you're driving a train you just drive on the wrong tracks at full speed until you derail around a bend, or hit another train. If it's a car you drive on the wrong side of the road. If you're a plane you just aim downwards.

    Well the most high-profile blunder they made recently was Sim City (5) which "required" you to be online because apparently it was their own servers that did a lot of the processing. The servers were overloaded in the first few days after launch and most people couldn't play the game at all for a while because they couldn't connect.
    Oh, and there was that little thing when someone was fiddling with the options of the game and actually managed to make it run offline with very little modification at all, proving that the always online "requirement" wasn't a requirement at all. And then months later they put out an update that got rid of the always online and marketed it as "you asked, we listened!" instead of "we screwed up and were caught lying through our teeth"
    Skill to do what? Get bored playing a simulator game?

    I liked Maxis a lot in the past but their track record recently isn't very promising, which I'm betting it the executives as EA being greedy and pushy.
    The only tutorials I could do are "how to buy a simulator game, get bored and crash the vehicle it's simulating into another one at the highest speed possible"
    But then there's already lots of youtubers who do that, and they're funnier than I could ever be :P

    I never played Spore. Is it as bad as people say or does it just suffer from hype backlash?
    Did it specify a country?

    Also, when you had a youtube account, what did you do on it?
    Me making one is something that I think about a lot but I know really that the likelihood of me actually doing it is very low.
    I honestly don't know when you "can" move out. For all I know you can move out before you finish school but if I go by common sense I'd assume you have to be 18, since that's legally adulthood.
    Don't worry, it is only temporary.

    And okay . . . I'm sorry still that it happened, but at least you're looking at it at an okay perspective.
    That's probably different for everyone. I'm at university now but I'd say I'm still technically living with my parents because that's where I go in the summer and I live in a different house every year at university.
    Mandatory school ends when you're 16, but you can carry on until 18 and after that there's the even less mandatory university.
    Yes but still. When it's a public bus things are different and people actually act like decent human beings.
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