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  • How much were the tickets (that is, if you know)?

    Age ten? Shit. I find ninth grader smoking pot believable, not fourth or fifth graders. I was just discovering swear words then, I find it unbelievable they smoke so early over there.

    edit: what do you want to do for the scavenger hunt?
    it is. I'd say the lack of john cena is disturbing, but I don't know how old John Cena (as a meme) is.

    I forget in Germany you can start drinking at 14. Technically, the legal age is 18 here, but people start drinking (some even smoke pot) waaaay before.
    How did I not hear about this game
    this is true beauty, but it is missing some very important memes

    yes, you really are a high schooler because all we do is dick around and leave things for the last possible minute (some add a third clause that says "drink booze like a fish")
    What do you mean, full? Usually the only time MUN over here is "full" is that there aren't enough delegations for a certain competition. Otherwise, the club has no maximum people cap.

    Meme run? what

    Just mention the best shenanigan(s).
    Hopefully. It gets frustrating after a while, though.

    I had Model United Nations on Halloween, actually. Our chairs brought candy and we could dress up, so I wore a Viking helmet and a pin that was the Norwegian and Danish flags crossed (like an x). Immediately after, I headed to a friend's birthday party. I actually saw some people who graduated this year; it was fantastic seeing them again.

    How about yours?
    I dunno; thanks for bringing that up, I'll consult my sources about it.

    If the opposite sex doesn't notice that, it's not worthwhile.
    It's that... the guy's not really getting ripped off because they're both having fun (he's getting the girl he wants, she's engaging in some harmless carpe diem before she scampers off to study in the US).

    And yeah, so it seems. I was hoping I'd finally go out on a date this year, but no such luck. 2015 has been a severe disappointment thus far on that issue.
    yooo, could I possibly interest you in an exchange of your Solar Power Charmander for ASB dollars :OO?
    oh man this is great
    apparently he asked her out today and she said yes.
    Even though one of my senior friends who is a close friend of hers says she's just doing this for the free food and because she has literally nothing better to do.

    I just realized (although that same senior friend has been trying to drill it into my head for ages) that no matter how cool and cute she is, there's no future with her because she's a senior and not looking for anything serious (which is what I want).
    Yes, and no. Many leave but many also stay here, especially if you're planning on learning medicine. The University of Puerto Rico's biology program is spectacular (it's the hardest to get into), so if you know Spanish (or learn it well enough) and are interested in studying biology or medicine I highly recommend studying here. It's quite cheap.
    They are both female ILSs in their own ways. One is sciency and politics-y, the other artsy , so they're both pretty swell, I guess. This whole shit, though, is starting to get really good and eventually I guess you'll read about it at the end of NaNo.The most I can say is that apparently the other guy is asking her out today, BUT she's taking a very laissez faire attitude towards all of this because she is a senior and going off to uni. One of my friends talks a lot with him (she had a weird thing with him, a little game, in her own words) and I await their phone call to know what happened.

    shrek quotes are the only legitimate form of communication
    Hi, please don't forget to post commands in vs. ILS! Let me know or post in the absence sheet if you'd like more time.
    I'm not going back. It was her first relationship, and she already rejected me once. I don't want to be her rebound or be someone else's second choice.

    this new girl is a senior, first of all (I am a junior)
    she's more model united nations and sciencey instead of the artsy other one
    and like wow she's stunning
    I'm trying to get close to her and then i'd date her
    but it's hard because this other, more popular guy wants her too (also a junior)

    I am! and mine is basically the real life love thingies a couple female friends and I are going through right now.

    edit: i made an indirect flirt on twitter because i tweeted a line from Rick Astley's masterpiece (the verse was "You wouldn't get this from any other guy")


    apparently my (ex)crush and her guy broke up like a week ago like hoooooooly shit
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