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  • Yeah, wrapping your head around dimensional analysis is hard. Then you start doing Lewis diagrams and it's much more fun.

    nice form (8/8 m8) for bringing up Courtney
    I would've almost fainted if a girl touched me in any romantic way, period
    you need to confront this girl

    What the fuck is up with this girl, though? I can't even summon up the courage to go talk to a member of the opposite sex; I commend her for her ovaries, even if they are in the wrong place (sorry if that sounds weird, I'm directly translating from Spanish)

    soo how does courtney know flirty-san is talking shit? are you telling her or are you all in a group chat together?
    Hey there, you don't want to get DQ'd here!

    (I'll say 24 hours from now because I was a bit late with the VM)

    ((Actually I probably won't really DQ you for another 3 days or something))
    No. In 9th you take Biology, 10th chemistry, junior year physics and senior year the science of your choice (AP bio, chem, or physics, or environmental biology or public health).

    Ew. That's not PE. In our PE, we just do exercise. We get graded on it, but it's mostly "did x person do the exercise" kind of thing.

    @_@ that is awkward. All schools have designated make-out places; they should go to those.
    I'm just worried that if I ask too many questions it'll look as if I'm dumb and want other people to do everything for me.

    Tipping does make sense for jobs where the service isn't required at all, and might not even be a part of the company you're at (e.g. when I was a bag packer, I wasn't working for the shop, the charity just asked the shop if they could set up people there)
    But I don't get it at all for jobs like waiting staff or taxi drivers, since you either pay them, or expect them to be paid a decent by their employers. Tipping should be a bonus, not literally a huge part of their income because they're legally paid less than minimum wage.
    We only have two APs in junior year, English Lit and Comp and US History. In senior year you can pick an AP science (physics, bio, chemistry), AP Calculus, AP Comparative Government and Politics (although I think that teacher's leaving this year, she's the best :( ), and AP English Language (lots of writing).

    Why does PE even have a syllabus?? I think mine has one, but it goes physical efficiency for the entire year(eficiencia fisica in Spanish, basically doing exercises and shit), softball, volleyball, basketball, and football.

    A sophomore girl, huh? *rushes to the docks, begins constructing ship*
    I had to google that term (doddea).

    AP... in... freshman year? God help us all.
    AP life is stressful for me, but that's just because I'm irresponsible. Procrastinating as I type, actually. Which APs are available?

    Math is complex enough without being a year ahead. Taking any electives?
    Don't feel bad about that. In my school, you can't take any advanced classes (much less APs) if you're new. So I guess it's just standard procedure.

    So you're technically being held back, then.
    Well my coworkers are showing me what I'm doing but there's a lot to learn and I'm doing new stuff every day.

    I still don't get America's obsession with tipping. While being a bagger at the grocery store is one of those jobs where I can understand it being a tip-job given that I assume customers can decline the service but I don't see why you'd do any job for just tips.
    I volunteered as a bag packer once and all the tips were going to charity.

    I wouldn't ask in your situation since I don't really think it matters enough to ask :P
    It's just a minor curiosity.
    I'm not sure what I'm doing really since I've only just started. I dread that I'm going to end up like that image macro of a dog with a chemistry set "I have no idea what I'm doing"

    Why don't you need money? Buy more video games or whatever! Or better yet, save up for when you do need money. Plus having had a job will look good to future employers.

    I don't know what that means, no. Maybe it means only the mod can see it? I can't see why they wouldn't want the infracted person see the reason but that's the only thing I can think it can be.
    The title is based on a Shakespearean monologue, so you're later than you think. It's like 1984, but it was published in 1932. To give you a good idea, in 1984 the government controlled with pain, in Brave New World with pleasure.

    I get it. I feel I won't be at my peak if I don't take all four AP classes senior year.

    So what are you skipping?
    Have you read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley? It's my first read this year (we each pick ten books, spread out throughout the year), and what I've read so far is really good.

    Shenanigans are usually not good. :(

    At least it's precalc. The good thing is that quite a bit of Algebra II is covered at the beginning of the course.
    basically they're in charge of makin sure all's good with the theatergoers. and also keeping the ushers in line
    hi!!! it's been going well; i'm assistant house manager for the next two shows so i'm SUPER PUMPED also i'm revisiting a role for class lol

    how's school for you???
    It's okay. Luckily I switched departments at the company so I escaped the extremely boring job and got a job I can actually do instead.

    I think if an infraction is N/A then the post has been deleted? The infraction system seems kind of similar to the reputation system and that's what N/A means there.
    There's also the cultural and temporal mismatch, so that's another factor.

    Which ones aren't non-sophomore? Did you get that elective?
    I now work in insurance. Please don't say "that sounds interesting" like everyone else does. No it doesn't.

    Can't you see your infractions on your user cp? I got an infraction in 2008 and I can still see it there.
    i wound up only highly tipsy so that's good. meanwhile i've got two people in person trying to be responsible and one over text???? it was really funny actually

    the nickname came from a professor playing the cello so??? also yeah i hope you don't take that again
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