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  • I only have six dollors, so I think I'll buy a Rarity 1 pokemon for you. =)

    What Rarity 1 Pokemon do you want?
    Congratulations, that misspell nearly put me into deeper depression. xD!

    So, who are you giving gifts to? I would give gifts to people, but I only have six dollars and I'm saving it...=\
    She's my best internet friend. She was the one who created Aqua AND the adventure Aura, Aqua, and Dementia have. She doesn't go here, and i haven't heard from her in three months...=(

    You're getting ASB gifts? I don't think anyone has sent me any. No one even gave me anything for ASB for my birthday yesterday. Except for Mai, but I asked her...=(
    Weird. I'm doing some recolouring now. I'm making a green dewgong for christmas time. Hey, how about you make a red one? A green dewgong and a red dewgong would look awesome.

    And you know, back early in the days when it was only me, Arctica, and Aquapal having the RP, we had a few minor characters, and there was a buneary that was a shade of blue. If you want you could recolour a buneary with the color blue. (It's name is Seana, because it reseambles the sea) =)
    No. However, Aqua is a shiny Mew, which means Aqua is a light blue. Dementia and Aura look like normal Pokemon.
    That, my friend, was a really bad reference. Look up safety torch on youtube. And then you'll get it.
    ohmyarceus you find Foster the People annoying?

    ...Me too! Why the *EFF* are they so popular anyway?
    I get more annoyed by repeatedly asking if it's okay to ask than I do by getting asked to do things. I won't do it if I don't like the name change, but go ahead and ask.
    Technically yes - I or one of the other mods/admins could change it - but we won't.
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