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  • Oh, no, you don't have to worry about that. I doubt I'll be messing with the numbers for a good while.
    One of these days I will come up with a really over the top arena where everything explodes into flames at the slightest touch.
    Hmm? Why would you need to redeem them now rather than later? Unless you meant the finished battles only.
    Ha, well, I was contemplating making it a pay cut at first. Not one quite as drastic as that, though.
    You're not the first to say you would try, but I think you're the first to follow through on it to any significant extent.
    Good evening gentleman.

    I was contemplating the fact that our tag had not been reffed for roughly two weeks (three weeks? IDK I can't count) and wondering if it would be the time to ask for an e-ref? Since it's your battle, I guess in the end you decide, but yeah, just throwing that out there.
    Sometimes I look over the last 10 visitors to my profile and wtf at some of them because I can't fathom why they dropped in.

    Why yes, I am talking to myself.
    My sprite shop is named after what Kill 'Em All would've been. ;P Good eye.
    Metal up your ass would've been awesome. xD
    No I don't; I wasn't aware that they had dropped the challenge and that would have been my last slot. And there doesn't seem to be many unaccepted challenges at the moment. Thanks for offering, though!
    Hey, thanks for reffing my battle with everglider! What does your new user title say?
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