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  • SS. So I need your SS friend code, and I can get on. *continues to headbang to Imitation Black*
    I'm ready to battle whenever you are. But we need each other's friend code, methinks... mine's 4770 4630 4273.

    Also, since you challenged me, we go by my gym rules. Double battle, Lv. 100. Hax, status, explosion, and species clauses are in effect. Voice chat on, unless you specify it should be off. See you at two (or whenever you get on)
    THAT would be cheap.

    But apparently I can play Breakout again for an Espeon. Yay, I has an Espeon!
    X3~ Okay, I REALLY should get to sleep now; I have work in less than 7 hours! ^^;
    Nighty night then, Mewty. It was nice VM-ing with you. ;3
    There, sent. Dammit, I type too slow to save my life. ;o;
    Anyway.... Well, I hope my response is all right with you.
    (Yeah, taking my time to respond to it. x3;;; God, I wish I could type down my thoughts a little faster... ^^;)
    (Oh, well, I figured you might not be able to handle something like losing or failing from something simple. =P Doubt it now that you say it's not really a simple thing.)
    Got you registered as well. x3

    (Oh? What do you mean by that? I have a faint feeling I know what you're talking... I think....)
    I only consider it to be the next day as soon as I fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning of the subsequent day. x3

    Now that you mention it, I got my DS with me now and just opened it up to Black. Here's my friend code:

    1764 2073 4755 (Name: Skroy)
    Figured as much, though I didn't fully understand the situation. All's well that ends well though. =P

    Heh, no problem. Now you should get to sleep, it's nearly an hour past your bedtime. x3
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