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  • Well, panicking is not going to help out, so it'd be best to remain calm and simply figure out the solution. It's hard but it'll simply only waste time and energy when you could be doing something productive.
    Heh, ninja'd. xD

    EST as well- and aww, it's already nearing your bedtime. >: Time sure flies.... Ahh well, can't do anything about that and you're still a growing girl. Welp, sweet dreams then, Mewty. :3

    And yes, I do have a B/W friend code, although I don't have it memorized nor do I have my DS with me at the moment. I'll share it at a later time then.
    Ooooooooooooooh, you just got more interesting. It's official, you're the most awesome 10 year old I've met in my life. 83 (Kind of exaggerating but you're certainly different than what I normally would expect from a 10 year old).

    Well, I don't know about Flash at all, so nothing there at the moment. As for Java... um, I'm quite embarrassed to admit this since I learned about it for three semesters but I can barely explaining a single concept of Java let alone in technical terms. DX Nonetheless, I will try explaining it to you so as to improve my skills in passing on knowledge. Although I will tell you right now by saying that Java is a case sensitive program; that is to say that capital letters change the meaning of key words ("Public" is not the same as "public").

    Must be because of all the tea and cod we've been consuming. x3

    Oh yes, I feel I should mention that I type very slowly. Not something I'm proud of, but meh, I make do with that fact.
    Yeah, that's what I meant about the restrictions... ah, I'm sorry, it seems we'll have to can it until you get them to the same level. I have nothing at your level.
    Mewty it is then just so it's unique! 8D

    Huh, I don't know many 10 year old girls who know HTML and like health shows; in fact, you're the first. This should be interesting.... x3
    Well, I don't know HTML all too well, but I do know how to program in Java (as part of my studies at the moment). Maybe I'll take up on learning HTML for the fun of it when I have the time....

    Aren't we all eccentric in our own little way? xD
    It can be quite scary, I will admit, but everybody goes through it and either they survive or plummet. Most experience the former case luckily.

    Hmm.... Mewt sounds fair. Speaking of nicknames, I also go by Zritts, Zrioy, Zri, or Z (from other online communities) so feel free to call me whichever you prefer.

    Ahh, cool, cool. Moving along now... what's up— other than the ceiling? :3c
    If you're depressed with life now, wait 'til you get older and experience "the phase." Not pretty in the least. Just felt the need to comment on that message of yours.... x3

    In any case, I don't think we've met before, so let me introduce myself: I'm Skroy, nice to meet ya, Indy (mind if I call you Indy?). *Offers hand* ^^
    It's... it's because it's stupid. That's the plainest I can say. You're really limited on Flat Battle, the only option to restrict levels.
    Mine's here. But there's something I should tell you about BW. It sucks Wi-Fishly, because it will NOT raise the levels of Pokémon bellow level 50 to level 50. It will leave them at their level. It'll only lower the levels of those higher than 50. And there is no option to raise them all to level 100. It's really really dumb.
    Going to the Dream World.

    Yay, a Regenerator Tangela! That could be useful.

    And I don't really think I'm using the same account now as I did when I got Jolteon...so...I can get an Espeon now!
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