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  • I'm about to go to bed, though, as it is 11:18 here in Indiana. Maybe tomorrow? (if my boyfriend doesn't drag invite me somewhere...) I get out of church at 1:30 and get home a few minutes after, but so that I don't clash with whatever I may be doing, 7:00 PM EST is the latest. I'll tell you if I can battle at 2:00 PM EST though. Actually, let's make that the initial plan, at 2:00 EST, and I'll try to remember to tell you if I can't make it.
    Sure, but my team is currently on SoulSilver, and I plan on leaving it there for those unfortunate enough to not hale Black/White. I'm currently making my Gen 5 team, though.
    I'm not exactly "in the loop" with most things.
    So... I'm gonna go now... gotta do my chemistry reading.
    Have a good rest of Saturday and get over whatever it is that is causing your sadness, 'kay?
    Wait, Dream World!? It's out?
    Huh. Well, it doesn't really affect me at all, but is sounds prooty awesome.
    Oh. In other news, I managed to catch Zapdos yesterday!* So that's my Pokemon-related moment of joy.
    *using save states, but oh well
    So am I! (for some reason I chose to use a Cacnea against a Shinx)
    Just... what is DW?
    (acronyms are not my friends :|)
    I contemplated suicide once.
    (it's surprisingly difficult to pull off when you really think about it)
    Well, don't be depressed. It's kind of like being in an endless cave of emotional despair that envelops both you and those you love/know. Cheer up!
    (Some Guy used INSPIRATION
    But it failed...)
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