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  • Maybe if that's the only entertaining thing you have on there other than a review and a fanfic and conspiracies and stuff like that that no one cares about.

    I'll ask Butterfree about it.
    I'm literally everywhere in the forum. If I see a thread and I'm thinking "ooh, I could make a mildly intelligent post there", I'll post that mildly intelligent post
    Yes, but I've already written out all the script and I'm lazy and NOT doing it again, I simply don't have time.

    Oh. I mean, I don't need free hosting, but who doesn't like free? Yeah, I might stick with something just... I dunno, just cheap. If you stumble upon any JScript for the same type of Quiz as Butterfree's, tell me. but don't you go looking for it, you
    Eh heh heh. No, I used Butterfree's quiz script, and it's ASP, so I sorta need an ASP host. Helio should be good.
    You can upload images to x10? How?

    And this is my site (agh, it's under construction don't look)

    EDIT: I'm about to delete that site because AGH x10 doesn't support ASP :sad:
    Ohh. Alright. And what image hosting site do you recommend?

    Also, yes I do know that. I'm going to use Whack-a-hack stuff.

    And yes, I shall try and learn Python.
    I'll certainly do that when I have the time :P

    atm I'm too busy fangirling over Dangan Ronpa ughhgh
    should I change my avatar or not? Ron is super adorbs BUT I kinda really also want to have a DR-y avatar/sig combo because D:
    difficult choices auugh #firstworldproblems
    of course you are! a wandering star, shining bright in the sky~
    also hey if you're looking to try out programming Java is pretty neat and easy to get into!
    I suppose trying out programming isn't a bad idea, since it is a pretty useful skill to have. :B

    Well, I'll probably try and find some good playthrough videos or something; it might be a good idea to at least familiarize myself with the series in case I end up playing PL vs AA at some point. O:
    I guess the good thing about these more story-oriented adventurey mystery puzzle whatever games is that you don't really have to play them to enjoy them.

    do you know how great it is to see you
    the light in my life has returned
    I mean not really but you vanished out of nowhere and we were all worried :c
    anyways I am blabbing about stuff you've probably already heard fifty times already!
    Haha yeah, I'm really bad at tables! XD

    Anyways, what's up? :)
    That is good!!! What do you mean! That is great! Haha I can make, like, bold, italic, underline, and various layers of heading text in HTML and that's it! XD
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