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  • Aw :( You'll make friends! It just takes some patience is all, I have the same problem whenever I go somewhere new.

    I'm doing pretty well, actually! College has been great so far, I'm really enjoying myself :)
    Yeah, that's what I'm talking about (and also the fact that you probably get an extra motivation bonus with fanart because endless fangirl energy [well at least in my case, dunno]) :P

    I actually managed to start and do some of those boring things, so perhaps I can even finish them tomorrow, wow
    Haha :D

    Fanart is also good! In the end, it doesn't really matter what you draw, but the fact that you just draw something. You might even come up with a bunch of ideas for poses while fanartsing. Plus it's usually fun :P
    ((I also feel like drawing fanarts of pretty much EVERYTHING atm but nope, gotta do all this boring non-art stuff first neugh))

    No problem :B
    What's it about?

    also yay for reading every notable completed ASB battle in my free time!
    It does. All of my Pokémon's stats are really poorly rounded. The only one that's even remotely well-rounded is my Meganium, which is my favorite Pokémon *coughavatarcough*
    Oh wow, thanks! OuO

    From what I can tell, you're off to a really good start! You have seemed to avoid the usual digital-art newbie traps (like heavy burn/dodge tool abuse), which is always a plus. Keep it up and you'll be pretty damn good in no time :D

    I don't mind helping other artsy people, so if you need any advice/critique/resources, feel free to ask me C:
    I think I know how you're feeling. I changed schools quite a bit, and there were times that I really just didn't know anyone well enough and was so awkward and shy that I didn't make any friends. Frankly, I coped by using this forum and by saving one friend's number. If I hadn't had either, I would've been scared. But, what changed was that I joined an extracurricular-type thing: a group that had a few similar interests, and I made friends that way. What I suggest is trying to find a smaller group of friends (not a clique) maybe through a club or something. And if anything goes wrong, you've still got tons of people on here that can support and help you.
    it's fun, too. Same basic structure.

    well, if it helps take off stress, it does! but yeah, cliques are horrible :c

    hey, what's wrong? :c
    okay uh
    Sorry about that, for some reason my computer insisted on typing a never-ending stream of m's whenever I tried to type.


    And for what I wanted to originally say: I'd suggest using an emulator, because before I got DeSmuME I'd never played Unwound Future and really wanted to know how it ended, so. then.
    Right. So I'm not the only one who just plays Pokémon without playing playing Pokémon.
    You should play it. It's funner that way.

    edit: If you really want to know...
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