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  • Even then, there's GTS. I was stuck on Skitty so long I can't even tell you. I still have a Japanese Delcatty in my box.

    Right now my Black 2 Seen Dex is almost 600.
    I always fill up the Regional Dex on my own, and I only use the AR after I've cleared the game (except for the five I catch in the beginning).
    It honestly takes the fun out of it. Why even play if you're not playing, you know?

    No, I catch five Pokémon at level one and use them from the beginning. I stopped using the AR for one-hit kills etc. a while ago.

    I used to do that, until SS/HG when I got to the E4 and realized that it wouldn't work. although instead of trying harder I just bought an AR
    Wait a minute

    don't tell me you're one of the people that overpowers their starter and leaves everyone else to die alone :O
    Okay, just making sure before I asked you if you'd like to battle.

    So... would you like to battle?
    Still out of town. As a matter of fact, it's only about 10 AM here, whereas I'd have already had lunch at home.

    I saw my cousins. It was fun!
    But there's too many little ticks. Snivy's tail only has three. Ferret has five.

    And I advise you make one! It would be nice to have another contributor to the wiki.
    I don't see Snivy at all. I'm sorry, but honestly, I have no idea how you pulled that out of that.

    Anyway! Do you have a Wikia account?
    Top one is not done. I have a reference in the sprites discussion in the group if you want.

    What color do you suggest I make the outline for volcanoguything? Darker brown, or just black? And yes, it's a Machoke/Graveler splice.

    I personally like the backsprite more than the front one-- looks less retro.

    It's a mostly Pikachu, with a Furret base for the body, and either a scratch or Emolga tail, idek. Kyntelle did most of it, I only did the body.
    Here's a few.

    ^^Accidentally .jpg

    We do have a group of people like that; It's me and Kyntelle, but Kyntelle may or may not be gone, so your help would be appreciated.
    I would love to do a scratch, but we all know I can't do that, and to my knowledge, neither can anyone else on this forum. So yes, a ROM hack.

    What do you mean it'll get old?
    ... I should be working on the Butterfree solo.

    What other games?
    Aha, I should probably fix my avatar... I'm practically a walking (posting?) spoiler right now...

    You like Layton too?

    If you haven't played Last Specter, you should really listen to this. And also play it too, because awesome.
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