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    No problemo! And I am mountain time! So right now it is 9:18 PM!
    Well, my school system extends the year from late august to early june in order to give us all these vacation days.
    Eh heh heh.

    Yeah, that's true. I've considered leaving many times, but people like you are what keep me on here.

    And happy birthday! Twelve was a very interesting year for me I had my first girlfriend, which ended tragically! I hope your year is great, you talented little person. :D
    Oh, that was a typo, not an idiot mistake.

    And I guess what the problem is is that I'm way too brash and blunt about things. I'm trying to fix it, but it's just how I am.
    Awww you logged off! Well, bye, I guess. Happy Birthday!!!!
    No, you didn't miss me! Haha I just logged off for a second because my friends were being evil.

    Haha my older sister is cynical sometimes, and it's quite humorous, because she becomes very pessimistic.

    I get upset easily, but I usually get over it in a short amount of time!
    Oh no, are you mad at me?!

    And I can be the same way! I tend to be super cheery 24/7, but I can randomly become very, like, gloomy I guess. But I'm normally in a good mood! :)
    Well thanks again! I have to cook now, so I'll speak to you soon! Bye Bye! :D
    Oh! Thank you! I'll go on there when I'm done cooking for them! Thank you, so much!

    And they seriously are too lazy to make food for themselves. Anyways, I have a new recipe that I have been waiting to try out, so I guess now is the perfect time to use it!
    I am a horrible driver, yes, but this car accident was because there was a dog in the middle of the road, and I didn't want to hit it, so I suddenly hit the breaks, and the car behind me crashed into my car. So it was my fault, but at least I didn't hurt a dog! But yeah, nobody was injured.

    And actually, I'll pass on the tutorial for now, because dont you have to download something for it to work? If you do, I'll have to wait until I get home, because I can't download things like that on an iPad, and even if you could, this is my friend's iPad, so I wouldn't want to install anything.

    Anyways, I have to go in a moment. I am pretty much the only person out of the 10 friends I'm living with at the moment who knows how to cook, and they are demanding dinner. XP
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