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  • Okay, good, because by the time you replied, I am ready to animate it. xD

    It should be done by tonight.
    i replaced it with the best line of a fic ever though~

    yeah, it's not too bad here, it's just a pain because college
    Nope, it's fine. I need something to do. Would you rather have Mewtwo+Victini or Mew+Victini?

    I could make it animated for you.
    No, DragonHeart made the Dragonite/Zangoose. It was this cruddy thing.

    Also, you should use your Mewtini sprite.
    My avatar for the longest time was a sprite I made. It's my deviantID right now.
    Heh, if, "out there," is how you want to put it...

    That would be nice. Fortunately for me, I have a really light hand and hardly ever press down.

    Honestly, that baboon thing was my first, and it frankly sucked.

    I didn't mean to I was just saying I DIDNT KNOOOW ;-;

    You're getting old fast ahh
    Yes Muutini c:

    And that is a cute Pikachu although his tail looks kinda weird o:

    also you adorable 11-year-old you i saw your picture in the thread when I was trying to post one of me from my phone and couldn't figure it out
    Yeah, same with Mohacastle, but I still managed to part with it. :'(

    There are better profile pictures out there.

    And cool. That's like a sleeker version of mine.

    EDIT: Agh you catch on really fast. How did you do that so well?
    you only think that because your username is mewtini Yes it is cool, but Mozankairu was only until I thought of something better, and Mohacastle was... I told you already.


    Which tablet did you get?
    Well, as I told Absoul, Mohacastle was stolen from my uncle-- Mozankairu was a mixture between Mohacastle, Zangoose, and Dragonite's Japanese name (Kairu), so this newer username is completely original.

    And yes, the Pichu remains until I create a replacement.
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