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    XD No problemo! I'm really bad about responding to messages on time, myself. Anyways, how was your day?
    Woah! That's cool, I wish I knew that before! Thanks! Haha I'm going to use that now! Thank you! :)
    Oh, haha thanks! But I am on an iPad at the moment, and so I can't hover over any images. But I didn't even know that! Thanks! :D
    Aww thanks! Haha you are really pretty, too. And no problemo, I'm not mad or anything :)

    And what Pokemon is that? I'm really stupid with Pokemon, sorry XP
    Yeah, it's real. My webcam was being weird that day, and everything looked a lot lighter than it should look. I will post a better picture of myself whenever I get the chance. I don't have my webcam with me at the moment, so it has to wait a little while. But I totally see why it would look fake, though!

    And I am pretty good, thanks for asking! Except my throat and neck hurts because my friend accidentally kicked me there XP And how are you? :)
    Aha, it's the other way around for me. I'm actually very smart (well, not to be cocky, but c'mon, I'm not going to act like I'm not) but I come off as a idiot on here.

    And it's probably because you know tons more than I do but are younger. You're about level with everyone on this forum (except me, you're miles above me), which is extraordinary.
    Oh. I knew that. hee.

    Just out of curiosity, are you homeschooled? You're really smart and you get on at times when most people are at school.
    Not a problem. :p

    Anyways, I'll probably be going now. I'll be online, most likely, but not really paying attention.
    But seriously, I'm a good five (or four...) years older then you and I can't draw that good.

    Happy birthday tomorrow, by the way. :)

    Wait, you're serious? I've tried that before, and there aren't any existing sheets that are simply "frame one, frame two, frame three." It's, "part one, part two, part three, now arrange these parts so it looks nice when it moves."

    But if you're really serious about it, this might help.
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