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  • Sorry I didn't reply to your messages-- I didn't get a notification for them somehow.

    You don't need to scratch sprite, all of our sprites are mostly splice/recolors with a wee bit of scratching, not too much.

    And also, thank you for the link.
    The news site you put on the Duane thread has articles on my two favorite celebrities ever. I thank you.
    It's been down for a while! I made an all-caps post about it in the fanclub. :D
    Hi again! Haha guess who posted a more real-looking picture of herself!
    Awww you are lucky! I wish I can sleep in! XD
    Haha that's good! XD Do you have to wake up early for school even though you are home-schooled?
    XP I know right! Bleh I am such an idiot for making myself so cozy, because I never went to sleep last night (I have been awake for almost 48 hours), and now I am about to fall asleep! XP Anyways, how was your day today?
    Aww that sucks :( Today was my first day back to school. And I had forgotten how much homework I have. But I am much too lazy and sleepy to do it! And I just put on my most fuzzy, soft, and cozy pajamas on with my fuzzy slippers and fuzzy robe and fuzzy socks and a fuzzy blanket, so now I have no hope to get my homework done, because I am to cozy to go to my desk to do my work! XP
    I'm glad you had a great birthday! But I'm sorry you didn't get the things that you wanted. :(
    Sorry for not replying for so long! I have been busy and I was driving all day. XP Anyways, how was your birthday?? :)

    And if you'd like! You just seem to have a very creative mind and would be a pretty big help to the project.
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