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  • also there's a bunch of cool features. It's different though, so I can understand if someone didn't like it due to nostalgia.

    ... I hate cliques. really, I do. I just don't know why everyone can't just get along, or at the least ignore each other, but no, they have to have a group /and/ make fun of people for not being in it and I just... sorry.

    but that's fine! especially if you have more to say.
    well, there's that, and maybe the plot isn't as deep, but they really developed one of the characters and I was impressed.

    well, it will get better, just remember that. (well, I guess that's good. still mean of them to not talk to you, though. :/)

    well not HYPERMESSAGE-ing, but a lot of people (especially tumblr people) love getting new messages from anybody. I know I do. but there is a line between frequent and every 2 minutes.
    I don't generally like children very much. By children I mean people younger than 8 or 9.
    It;s actually really good. A bit of a change, and I don't really like the idea of pokemon DLC, but.

    well, I know what it's like. not a lot of people know this, but I skipped the seventh grade and went straight to eighth. It was pretty horrible, but it got a lot better once I got to high school. (also, I had just moved to a new school at that point, so I didn't know anyone either.)

    Well, yeah, but this person isn't on tcodf. well, sort of, but still :/ and I don't think a lot of people mind being constantly messaged! I mean, everyone's different, but still. I've only had a couple with a few people.
    Yeah, we got it weird over here, a week late. I'm not complaining, though. I'm also going to get the new PMD game tomorrow, so I'm excited :3

    For me, well, it's been a bit awkward, but we've gotten past it (I think) but it's still a bunch of small replies and never a lot and it makes me sad :c But never, never let that get to you. It's stupid that you're being alienated for being smart. and just think, in a few years, you'll probably be laughing at them, so.
    Yeah, that's about four years.

    How's the Meganium thing coming along? I can't wait for it to be finished, I know it's going to be really good.
    Oh. Well, it's not too far in-- you run into it in Driftveil City, and there's not really an option, so you have to do it at least once.

    I'm completely new to all this IV/EV junk and using strategies, so even though I've been playing for five years, I'm still kind of a newb.
    The Pokémon World Tournament? It overtakes the Cold Storage in Black/White 2, and Gym Leaders/Champion from all the regions gather to battle in tournaments. Which I cannot beat because I only have three Pokémon with strategies in their movesets so yeah.
    My mom looked at it and gave me the most terrible look. I had to explain it to her, and she just said, "yeah right."

    Also, am I the only one that sucks at PWT?
    Also, I have a 3DS so I don't usually turn it off (because it picks up updates and junk when it's on, even when you're playing a game), so my time on Black 2 is 999:59
    Oh, y'know, pretty good. On spring break and all that.

    (Though, the reason i posted that is there's a certain person i'm trying to recconect with but sometimes they just ignore/forget about me and it's really frustrating. :c)

    Well, the older ones are. One's 10 and one's 12. The 9-year-old is okay, but the 6-year-old is annoying, and the 3-year-old is...a 3-year-old.

    So I heard. What a disappointment.
    who are these people you speak of
    the ones who text at seven
    when i was seven both of my parents owned flip phones.
    these kids need a whuppin of good ol fashioned pokemon.
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