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  • H
    I'm glad you're better now!

    And haha I am not very good at CSS or HTML XD But that's good that you are good at it! :)
    I'm alright! Just sleeeeeppy and lazzzyyyyy! Like always! XD And I am extremely agitated because people can be RUDE! XP But oh well! :)
    CSS is a pain, we had a compulsory web design kinda course and I basically just had my coder friend do all the hard stuff for me :D
    Python does sound a bit too tough for a beginner. Maybe try something like C# first?
    Even I could do something with it (on the first year here, we had some compulsory programming classes that caused me a great deal of despair). :P
    edit: scratch that, Python's apparently a lot easier hurp durp. I stand corrected (thanks Hiikaru!).

    Just don't stress it too much. Draw whatever feels nice even if it's silly; having fun while drawing something probably makes it easier to draw not-as-fun stuff later :B

    I haven't really gotten into Layton. I tried playing the first game not too long ago but I guess I'm too dumb for the puzzles. I ended up having to check solutions from the net and then I just got frustrated. :C
    Maybe I should just resort to watching playthrough videos just to see what the story stuff is like, since it seems kinda interesting.
    Oh, also. What host did you use for your website? I've been looking for one forever.

    ETA: Scratch that. How do you change the directory that automatically appears in the beginning into a homepage? Right now, if you type in my URL, you get, "Index of /".
    Eh. I'm fairly new to it. HTML, mostly, although I'm familiar with CSS and Java as well.
    HTML and CSS are pretty useful, too, so it doesn't sound like a problem to me :O
    You just gotta let the arts flow when inspiration strikes. Force-drawing isn't the most fun thing to do :P

    do ittt, AA is the best very much yessss
    or if you can't get the games, at least watch some playthrough videos on Youtube or something because damn the characters and the mysteries and the music and everythingggg
    also Ron is the most adorable thing hghgnhgnnnn *u*
    Here you go, then! Here's a pretty huge and comprehensive tutorial series on anatomy, for starters.
    If you start learning anatomy the right way in the beginning, you're really going to thank yourself later (i.e. this kind of stuff is what I would've wanted/needed to know when I was younger).
    Haha, the whole thing probably looks a bit intimidating but you don't really have to absorb all that information right away. Just bookmark it or something and just dig it up when you need help or feel like you want to do srs bsns art or practice or something.

    For less serious fanart purposes just googling photos for pose references is probably enough. :P
    (here's a really good collection of pose refs, btw)
    Practice is good! If you happen to need some good tutorials or anatomy reference, I might be able to dig something up. Always remember that reference images are your best friends when it comes to drawing things :P

    Yep, that sure is a thing that I did :D
    aaaa I'M sorry D: i tried changing my username back to scootaloo but it wasn't letting me D: I might have to wait till next month or something
    It takes some time, but trust me, things get better in that area :)

    Yep! First year, don't have to live in my boring hometown anymore! Now I get to live in a boring new town!
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