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  • Ah. Like I say, you're unlikely to get approved at your current skill level. I really recommend you make yourself more familiar with the system first. Participate in a few battles, see how things work, then maybe try again.
    Well, you've put line breaks in the middle of your lines. Example:
    "he thinks of ways to
    annihilate Castform".
    It's on pretty much every line.
    Negrek's away at the moment, remember. I can offer you my critique, though.

    Firstly, the random line breaks are extremely distracting, and you would do well to do away with them.

    Secondly, your grammar throughout seems somewhat stilted and awkward. It's difficult to read, really. A good-bad example would be "Castform rushes to maintain its number one place in this match as it thinks, and hits Allatar, not terribly hard but with boosted power as it's boosted due to Hail weather, with Blizzard. Castform uses it twice more, and misses its opportunity to freeze Allatar."

    Thirdly, I can't be bothered to figure out your damage-energy totals, but there are major problems with the way you use attacks. You seem to have grouped all of each Pokémon's attacks into one big lump, which isn't how it works - Pokémon alternate attacks. There are also general problems with the numbers, such as the three Blizzards seemingly adding up to 44% damage, which doesn't work. And that much damage would take more than 9% energy.

    Not approved. I'd recommend you familiarise yourself more with the ASB before trying again, and maybe work on your writing.

    Though I'm not the final word on it, of course.
    ...Just because I don't have school doesn't mean I'm on the computer 24 hours a day. I was out making a lamp out of a flute with my dad.
    A lot of stuff in ASB is like that. It's just that some of it works differently due to the differences between HP and Health and between PP and Energy.
    In your hypothetical situation, yes. Exactly how it works in the games.

    All three, actually.
    I don't really care. But be more careful what you say, you don't know how people will react.
    Use an online pokédex, like Veekun, and look under "Base Stats". And, like the games, the substitute fades when it has taken more damage than its value. A 20% substitute will fade when it takes more than 20% combined damage. Weather effects and statuses don't count. And yes, the substitute is once.

    We're having a PM conversation. If you are curious, then ask her.
    Deciding which pokémon moves first is based on their base speed stat—whichever has the highest Speed stat goes first. If you meant to start a battle, I usually make it so that the person who made the challenge sends out, the challenger sends out attacks first, and the first person attacks second. Every round, the order of who commands first switches.

    With Substitute, you take the amount of health that the substitute is from the pokémon—so for a 20% substitute you take 20% health from the pokemon and put it into the sub—and it uses energy equal to half the value of the sub, rounded up. So for a 20% sub it costs 10% energy, and a 15% sub costs 8% energy.

    ...Ask Silver.
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