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  • I too think this is the friendliest forum I've ever seen. Perhaps because of the type of people it attracts—we're small, and we all care about each other.
    Why be mean to them? More members means more friends! also people to look down upon and remember when you were in their position.

    Later on, when I'm 18, I'm gonna host a TCoD convention for all the remaining members in this country. Maybe.
    Technically the people in England already do; they all visit that convention thing in the fall.

    Yeah, this is the awesomest place on the 'net. Definitely better than that old Psypoke place I used to be a member of.
    You know, I'd like to meet him in real life someday...Actually, I'd love to meet everyone on this forum in real life someday.
    He does, I think. One of the things I admire about him is that (metaphorically) he always has a smile on his face. He always looks on the bright side.

    You know how there are some people that just emanate happiness, like when you're around them you just get a little happier? Cloudsong is one of those people.

    ...Cloudsong...He's such a nice person, but is treated so unfairly...I'm so sorry for him.
    It'll be picked up eventually. Besides, you can just get a new battle.
    ...Well, it is his stepdad. I wonder where his real dad got off to...and why his mom didn't fight his stepdad's decision.
    I personally can't wait. We were good friends. And I hope his dad is nicer to him.

    Ah. What level math are you in, BTW?
    Oh, it didn't actually take that long. That's what I'm trying to say. I'm taking a while too... sorry about that. I just got a deluge of birthday messages and it kinda probably made me not get a few other people's.
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