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  • Me and my dad have just never gotten along, period. So it's kind of a good thing that I'm avoiding him. :/
    Haha, you cannot resist the urge of the Ponyheads for long. And my mom and dad have been seperated since before I was born, so they've always lived seperately. That's why the dog is with my dad. It's his dog. Well, technically, it's my stepmom's. But whatever.
    Her cutie mark's definitely going to be something related to music. Like a microphone or something. And yessss. You're one step closer to being a Ponyhead. >D Muahahahaha~
    I love Sweetie Belle! She's the most precious and adorable filly in the world! Scootaloo's okay too, but Sweetie Belle can sing. And she sings awesomely.
    And I don't live with my dad because he's bipolar and drinks a lot. I used to see him every other weekend, but we're kind of avoiding him now. I haven't seen him for a month.
    And my dog lives with my dad, and I'm not allowed to see him anymore. So I can't see my puppy.
    Oh damn, it's late. Right now it's 6:21. And Max's cute! I miss my dog :(
    Then again I also play Pokemon and watch Wow Wow Wubbzy on a regular basis xD
    I'm the redheaded one who appears in almost every picture and is wearing the fedora. I am quite a camera whore. And is that a good thing, the whole Pinkie Pie comparison? xD
    Please don't comment on other people's things in the ASB Registration Office (as well as the other high-traffic business threads like the Bank, although I haven't seen this problem yet for anywhere except the PRO). If you have something you're getting approved, it's fine to also say "hey, such-and-such, I like your whatever", but if complimenting a body mod or move mod is the only reason for a post, it's not important and just clogs up the thread so that actual things that need to be approved are more likely to get accidentally skipped over. Please use the Visitor Message and/or Private Message systems to tell people how much you like their ASB things.
    It'll go up eventually. Negrek's just busy with a lot of other things right now, so updating the challenge board isn't exactly a priority.
    You'll come to learn patience is something you need an awful lot of in ASB. :p
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