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  • Absolutely no problem at all. Good luck!

    I am technically still a ref, but I just don't have the time/willpower for it for now, so...

    *yells really loud for several minutes*

    Actually, I haven't reffed in forever (a fact I am guilty about, having abandoned a battle that I should have completed). Long answer, sorry but I think you'll have to ask another person.

    Short answer: No.
    Ah, yes. I used to have the same problem; loads of memes I wasn't getting and all. Then I read through all of it (took me a long time, too), and suddenly, I was getting way more jokes than I had been expecting to get.
    Timezones don't really matter in ASB battles, hun. As for the pic, it is kinda old...few years at least.
    Which is very nice. I'm thinking about posting~

    As shown here, by the power of Awesome, I dub thee... Sheldon.

    [Sheldon] Clamperl [F]
    Ability: Shell Armor
    Signature attribute- Neuron overload

    Sheldon was created in a lab experiment in order to see if one could make a Huntail/Gorebyss hybrid. Although they failed, they ended up with some more brain capacity...

    Sheldon is very partial to her name, defending it to anyone who insults it. She tries to get her inner particle physicist recognized, but to no avail.

    However, if anyone dares to make a clampearl pun (or uses the move taunt or similar ), she'll go into a mode of hyper-rage. It sends out a weak electric current, leaving the opponent paralyzed but it also takes up some of her energy, as well as 2% health due to her being... well, a water-type.
    If it does that is fantastic :D


    But some call him... Tim.

    XD Anyway... Sheldon. And not because of the cheesy pun. I watch too much Big Bang Theory :P
    I prefer to go for the older battles, to let the people who've been waiting longer have a chance. Also, I'd like to only have to stay on top of three battles at once. Ask Squornshellous Beta, I'm sure she'd be willing to take on another.
    Yeah, I'm not a fan of ASB. I don't really understand it. I might try it later on, though. And I'd love to see the Eevee :)
    Sig moves and body mods both need to be approved in the registration office. You can find a complete guide to making them in the rules thread.
    I put up a profile in the thread, but does it need to be approved or something? Or can I just go to the Challenge Board and challenge?
    You don't need to get anything else approved. You can just make a challenge.

    Also, off-topic, I'm confused as to the bold. Didn't the bold name mean mod status? But it doesn't appear like that. Anyway, thanks.
    Bold names are global moderators. Italicized names are category moderators. Bold and italicized names are administrators. I am an administrator.
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