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  • Well, Negrek's gonna introduce a new system soon, so you might want to wait 'till then.
    I would love a sprite to be, done, actually. I'll post it in your shop.
    Mods said just poke them to get your signature approved.
    Make sure your lava gradient goes from 100% opacity to 0% opacity.
    Plasma is a state of matter that is more energetic than gas and is like fire. Another form of plasma is the electricity we see.
    You do state the fact that you use GIMP a lot. :P
    Internet Explorer 7? Goodness I hope that isn't your own computer. You should use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox 4 as a browser. Internet Explorer should only be used if you absolutely can't use anything else.
    Done in GIMP, lava is a filter under render. Think about gradients that go from full opacity to transparent.
    3 layers of lava to do a nice mix of red-orange and purple. Then I did a layer for the symbol on the left and another layer for the text. The highest layer had the gradient which I lowered opacity on and then flattened it all.
    Sure, though I added a translucent gradient over the entire thing, so you'll have to take that into account.
    Just randomly did this for fun.
    I can on the occasion, I don't often have much time to do stuff. However scratch sprites would be nice for me to work on my anatomical skills.
    Yeah, takes practice, it's good for a first time. I made a little guide for outlining.
    There's first drawing your outline:

    but it looks really crappy, so let's remove all of the excess pixels that are on it.
    It looks cleaner now, but the shape is a little odd, so the final step is editing the lines a bit to add or subtract curve.

    Now, it may be helpful to know how to play with the lines, so it can be done like so:
    1.[img] The straight line.
    2.[img] Now we add to one side, but now we have to remove the old.
    3.[img] After removing the old parts of the line, we're left with a slightly more curved line.

    Give the stuff a shot if you have free time.
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