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  • I stay on till very late, dear. You're only 9, you should be asleep at this hour.
    Also it's generally recommended that you edit rather than double-posting.

    Well a banner isn't necessary for advertising. Take mine for example. It's just there for decoration.
    Oh. Well hello there.

    Juuust a bit too advertise-y, dear. If you want to be noticed, you have to let them come themselves. Maybe put a link in your signature.
    I must hand it to you though, you're much better at it than a lot of people I know.
    The event Celebi is still going on at GameStop, and I'm assuming the DSi (or DS) can be configured for WPA, if I remember correctly.
    So... You planning on getting Black or White? I' getting White on release day (which will most likely be riddled with glitches. I'm looking forward to that if at all not for personal benefit, but to further understand how the game works. Oh, and for personal benefit.) If you have a WiFi connection, I can battle you. No voice chat, though. :/

    And I can trade you an event Suicune. I've got 4 of em, along with four of those event Celebi (soon to be three of each).
    I could probably do something easy like Voltorb or Magnemite, easy shape and gives you practice shading from scratch.
    You're a great spriter. I had some talent, but it's been months since I've sprited...
    Ah, I did a few pixel overs. The pixel-overs that are double the size of normal sprites tend to actually look really cool. Mind if I give you a scratch sprite challenge as the "bonus round"?
    I used to only do recolors, revamps, and splices, but then once I started drawing I decided to get into scratch sprites. Quite interesting working on such a small scale where 1 pixel can change everything.
    You're a good artist then, I don't know of any good artist that doesn't think their artwork is complete crap. Thinking your art as is sucks motivates you to improve. Anyways the way you did the sprite has somewhat of a creative aspect to it for sure. Please stand by for challenge #3.
    Ooh, Mewrachi's pretty cool too. I like the colour scheme in particular. The headpiece looks a bit awkward, but otherwise, good job!
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