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  • Yeah. I'm not sad sad. It's more of a passive kind of I-could-be-happier kind of sad. The kind where you decide to watch a bunch of happy fun TV shows but then you realise once they've finished that your life isn't as happy fun as the characters so it doesn't help after all.

    Thanks for your concern though!
    which is why you install windows on the mac and then linux on the windows on the mac. It's OS-ception!
    I assume that would be possible, but I never tried installing linux anyway, much less just from mac. While I'm pretty sure it's doable to install linux straight from a mac, I don't personally know anyone who's bothered to go through the trouble of doing it.
    On the same computer? Yeah, as expected.

    I've always wondered if it would be possible to partition one mac into three separate OSes, one part mac, one part windows and one part linux all on the same computer.
    ...Assuming you're still around at that point, I'll ask when it becomes more relevant to my life. Until then, I'll keep using windows, I think.
    well right now I need to do c++ so I'll stick with windows. Whenever I get a new computer, though, maybe I'll install linux. But then again, can you even do that on laptops without going through way too much hassle?
    You're certainly welcome.

    I'm not sure if it happened while you're out, but you're allowed to give out one Rotom per area. Once it's been caught, no more can be distributed. It just so happened Absoul got the lucky number.

    And how do you know I went by Mohac?!
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