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  • Ah, lipsync works.

    Or there's always the watermelon trick, mouthing the word "watermelon" in time with the music in case you forget lyrics. It was something my old choir teacher actually taught me back in the day.

    Ah, this your first time doing solos live? I was the soloist when I was back in like grade school. I had terrible stagefright, even though half the time I was in the back of a church and no one but the other choir members could see me. What helped me was focusing either on my music sheets, or on the instructor. Especially concentrating and following with the instructor. Ignore any crowd. It's like heights, don't look down. Just focus on the instructor and do your job. At least that's how I did it.
    Meh. I guess I'll get over it eventually, even if it hurts.

    If it's Brazil, though, I imagine it wouldn't be that bad.


    I guess I'm doing fine. Had a rough breakup a few months ago, and I'm still unlucky in love, but I guess it could be worse?
    I haven't really experimented with switching OSes. Considering I'm going towards the field of CompSci, I probably should...
    You should totally just do that right now. Drop everything and get one, and then Burgh will be pathetically easy.

    I had a pignite which basically solo'ed his team.

    How are you? I haven't talked to you in over a year wow. I don't come on very much any more but it's great to see that you're okay!
    sometime when I was still taking French, I went up to my mom and said "Je voudrais une pizza." She was like "What." to which I responded "Oh come on, use context clues! You know 'je' means 'I' and 'une pizza' is likely 'a pizza'; what could go in the middle? I am a pizza? I run a pizza? I sleep a pizza?"

    then I told this to my friends and for whatever reason they got a massive kick out of it. then I told it to VM and he decided to leave a sign in my Minecraft house saying "Poly sleep a pizza" and draw a tiny pizza saying "zzz" in my room.
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