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  • But how can I be the one who is insentient... when your face is a loaf of bread!11!?1!!??!11?

    And then Mewtini's face was a loaf of bread.

    Game, set, and match.
    Hallows! Between only being to be access the forums 1/5 of the time things are going fairly well (minus random throat itchyness but at least I can breathe through my nose lol)
    It's okay! You didn't have to. I felt really weird just typing out who I did, too--somehow it feels the same way for me, too? Like I don't want to leave people out, but I don't want to get redundant...

    also I was running out of positive adjectives, haha, and you can only call so many people cool before it probably comes off as insincere!
    I doubt they would! mod team only really gets annoyed if a) someone's upset or b) someone keeps doing something they were told not to do, and it's the type of thread that gets bumped anyway. i should probably sticky it or something i guess! kinda surprised it wasn't one already

    in any case, you haven't done anything wrong and i've been waiting for someone to bump that thread anyway.

    also: infractions expire, too! so even if you did get infracted it'd probably wear off after a short time, because it's an inadvertent offense, so. honestly i wouldn't worry about being infracted, most of the rules are pretty common-sense stuff.
    eh, probably! tbh I don't really give out spam infractions for bumping unless it's a really old topical thread or someone's posting in an ancient sticky or something.
    yeah that's the kind of thread that's okay to bump, really. I think the first thread might have been stickied and when it was restarted it wasn't one anymore. maybe. i think people would only be annoyed if it was like 6-12 months old or something.
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