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  • Happened to me in Black 2. It got better when I realized you could fight that trainer north of the city as much as you want forever.
    i put it in my usertitle because Hippy found it on my blog and i thought it would be funny
    you are the third person i have unintentionally victimized with this oh my god
    No, I'm sorry :( I don't really roleplay. I apologize
    Thanks :3

    It was good! I got some episodes of Doctor Who, and enough money to either buy a Dragonite Plush or a Sonic Screwdriver. (Still a bit confused as to which to get)

    How've you been! (by the way, I saw your art thread. It's really good!)
    Oh! That's a good sprite! Did you make it?

    And I just left because I was one of those users who made an intro and stuck around for a day and then you never heard from again. But I came back!

    Are you better now? I'm sorry to hear you were upset!
    Me too, thus is the first time I've been on in days.

    Also, I was inactive for about a year, so...
    Yep, I have missed you.

    Haha, tell me about it. There'll always be someone out there who's better than you are (not you specifically, I mean the general 'you'), though, so I suppose you just have to get used to the feeling! Good luck with your arting.
    I'm not that new. I've been around awhile, just not as long as you. My post count is low because I lurk more than I post.

    It does sound like martini! I didn't really make that connection. Though u thought it was Mew+Victini instead of Mewtwo.

    But yeah. Most people around here call me Mohac in respect to my old username. It's nice to meet you!
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