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  • H
    Are you serious? You have already completed the eight grade standards in seventh grade? That's spectacular! All through junior high and high school, I have been doing work that is a grade-ahead as well, but I never actually completed the next grade's coursework though! That is really great.
    Drawing is anything but boring. A lot of my friends irl are artists!

    As for me, I've been doing more music transcription lately.
    Oohh I see! :) I was homeschooled for sixth grade, and I liked it for the most part.
    I'm staying home because of an injury :P And I'm sick :P
    And do you like being homeschooled?
    XD Sorry, I'm kind of weird! So how are you? Don't you have school?
    Hello there! How are you? I didn't know you in the past, but I've heard about you, and I'm glad you have returned! :)

    I hope this doesn't sound creepy...
    ...with all of us, apparently.

    Well, it's at least really nice to see that you're fine. What have you been up to lately?
    Hi Muutini...
    I don't know when and if you'll ever see this and god if silver isn't about to spill her heart out but I've really been missing you lately.

    I don't know why but... I've suddenly started to feel the weight of how long you've been gone and what that could mean. So much has happened since you've been gone and I wish I could tell you everything. You were like a little sister I never had, I was always the little child in my family so that was a nice thing to think. I really wish I could've helped you or something more or something... I feel like I was really selfish when we talked and I really do miss you. I hope you can come back soon and tell how you are... I'm not the only one who misses you either. I hope you know.

    Love, Silver
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