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  • Yes, I didn't disable my own account for various reasons.

    June at the earliest.

    I made a bet with my parents and won. It's actually really good, you should play it.

    Oh yes. Moreso, though, it was just hilarious how the /power went out/ and they did absolutely nothing about it.
    I saw Jolteon, Umbreon, and Leafeon as masculine; the rest seem pretty neutral. But Slyveon is really different!

    And about Sylveon-- that's why it seems so strange to me that it is how it is. All the other Eevees look almost masculine. Minus Glaceon, I'm not sure why. But it is strange.
    I got off to a bad start and a lot if things I say are triggering, as you've picked up on. This probably isn't the best place for me, but I'm drawn to it because of people like you who don't explode on me. :/
    Oh, hey, it's not that far away. I'll try not to forget it! I might not be on though.

    And are you really only eleven? You're a year younger than me and still held in much higher regard! I'm immature, I guess. ^,^

    You must be really smart?
    Wait, that's only in Black 2, isn't it? Black 1 didn't have that, as far as I remembered.

    So, I had a crazy day at school today. To begin with, today is ACT testing day, so all the juniors were out of class and we were in first period for 185 minutes. My first period is French, so I went there, and the teacher taught for like 30 minutes. I spent the rest of the period playing Fire Emblem Awakening. So, after 185 minutes, the bell rings through the TV (not the intercom like usual, so that the ACT folks aren't disturbed) and we all go to fourth period because second and third were cancelled due to the schedule. Now, I have calculus fourth period, and that's high for a sophomore. So I'm the only sophomore in my calc class, and half the class is missing because they're juniors and taking the ACT. So my math teacher (who's actually the awesomest math teacher in the entire world) says "all right, I didn't get to teach my second period class and only half of you are here so we're not having class today." So I play another 45 minutes of Fire Emblem Awakening. While I'm doing so, about twenty minutes into the period, the power goes out. The lights shut off, the TV shuts off, and the only things on are the emergency lights attached to the Exit signs in the halls, which are presumably powered by the backup generator. But since it's still daytime there's still light via the windows, and the day continues. At the time we would have transitioned normally, we go to fifth period, and then sixth period -- I have a double period between those two, so I just go to fifth and stay there. Now, for me, sixth period is English. Today's agenda was that first we were going to take a reading quiz, and then we were going to watch an educational video. But, the power is off, so instead we spend 40 minutes reviewing for the quiz, 20 minutes taking the quiz, and 30 minutes discussing the answers after we've taken the quiz. Right at the end of the period, my English teacher tells us that we are supposed to go to seventh period and stay there instead of going to eighth period. So I go to seventh period, and the teacher there is absent. So I complete the two easy worksheets she left us, and for the next hour and fifteen minutes I play EVEN MORE Fire Emblem Awakening.

    and the ACT takers, since they were in the other building of the school, which uses a different power supply, they continued blissfully unaware that anything had gone wrong.
    haha, well if there's a card you want an icon of I can probably make it up for you if you want? I mean I don't do anything much to them (usually I just crop them) but I've been meaning to do a couple more anyway.
    They're all TCG images! Every time I make some I put them in here (usually), and they're free for people to use as long as they're not using the same one as me.
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