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  • MEWTINI it is your birthday today!!!

    /hugs you until you choke and die

    You're a teenager now! You can play the Sims legally! Yayyyy~!~!~!~
    Meeewtini your birthday is coming up soon and I don't know if I'll be on but I hope you come back soon one day okay. Have a happy birthday, and don't forget about ol' Silver, you hear? ;w;
    I guess you're actually way younger than you come off as. You're a confusing person, Mewtini.

    Oh, okay. I want to make a function in Personality that allows bots to have conversations! I think it'd be cute.

    I ALWAYS FORGET YOU'RE A WHOLE YEAR YOUNGER THAN ME you should be older than me, I feel like. You're so... old. I don't know.

    D: Completely? As in, you put her in the recycle bin and competely trashed her? *sheds a tear*

    Thanks! :D Don't you turn thirteen in twenty-six days? Admittedly I shouldn't know your exact date of birth, but hey.

    Did you kill bluebird? :(

    Yeah! I actually had to edit the pictures to make them transparent.

    /throws confetti

    DON'T SAY THAT :( It's okay, I don't have friends either. Homeschool is hard, socially.

    Also I read our old PMs, wowowow I can't take a hint, hahahaha.
    Also also also, when you get online, can you email me the .zip for Fort? I kind of want to see how it works!

    I'm not sure! None of the transparency stuff worked at all for some reason, I don't recall how I fixed it.

    Now I have to make a whole new set. >:-o


    Also you got me into Lorde. >:-I

    Also also happy Valentine's day!
    Yes, that's blatant plagiarism. But it made me laugh when you wrote that on the update, so I decided to steal it in hopes that you wouldn't dig it up. Oh well.

    Yeah, I did that because the separate div was the original plan, but it didn't end up working. I forgot to delete it after sticking it in <body>, so it kind of stuck around because I'm lazy. It's in every style also because I'm lazy, and literally just copy and paste to make new styles and change the images/colours.

    You gave me the wrong button sizes, mine are now a few pixels too short. >:o

    EDIT: You're not allowed to blame me about the confidence thing because of

    And yeah, I use Midnight, too.
    WELL MAYBE YOU'RE MORE TALENTED THAN ME there, I said it, are you happy

    No, I meant which style do you use when you're browsing Psychic Blaze for whatever reason?
    I might actually have a chance to do them this week! Though I can tell you right now I will not be using Paint, thank you. I tried that yesterday and no.

    ...The only thing I learned from that is that you edit your files really late at night, haha.
    Are they really? And in MS Paint? Wow. I guess I have no excuse, then.

    Just out of curiosity, what style do you use on your website?
    she's on to me

    What do you mean? Also, what template did you use? I really like yours. Did you do all of it from scratch (other than the sprites, obviously).

    The birds are alright; I don't have a problem with them, I just like the beasts a lot more. They're just generally cool, I dunno.
    I DIDN'T STEAL OKAY WHY DON'T YOU BELIEVE ME but really. I actually tried stealing yours at some point and it didn't work for whatever reason, so I just Googled it. I guess the step-by-step helped, or something.

    It's so small, though! Not to mention I have to use Pixlr because GIMP is crashing on me lately (which means no animated stamps).

    I'm considering changing the bird styles into Entei/Raikou/Suicune, what do you think?
    Did I? I think we might have used the same guide. While I am an sad, unoriginal excuse for a human being, I did not steal your styleswitcher script. Honest. :p

    I tried making new buttons the other day, but I got angry and rage-quit. I might get around to it eventually.

    Meanwhile, I've written a little blurb about Psychic Blaze on my website, yay.
    Eh, I rarely ever go here anymore, so screw it. Still, thanks for the birthday wishes!

    ...even though it's nearly three months later... heh heh.
    OH OH also this is maybe important, I will be on here less than usual so don't get mad at me if I'm not online. Things have been happening over here at an unnecessary pace and long story short, I don't have an iPod for an indefinite period of time and can't be on here without transgression until four in the afternoon, and not after six. :c
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