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  • Hi, sorry.

    -I was still working at the site at the time.
    -That's what I meant, it was just worded poorly.
    -I might end up changing them if I have time later on, but at the moment it isn't a priority.

    I hope you're still online. ;-( Sorry sorry sorry.
    I have noticed! It's really coming together.

    My website is done and will be on the web soon. I'm definitely linking to you, even if you don't link back.

    Are you on IRC?
    Mewtini, hai!!

    I wish there was a way for you to come more often. We miss you so much! And I've been on your website everyday since you left. c:

    At the time I said that, it was absolutely true! Since you left, I've picked up a few new friends, but. Yeah. You get it.

    How come you were able to come on??

    High school starts to get annoying by Junior year. Too many AP classes and too much Marching band and too much Pokémon to play. I'm just a bit tired.
    [20:31] <Mewtini> text_version = \x02weapony\x02 + ": Weaknesses: " + ", ".join(weapon[weapony]["Weaknesses"]) + " Strengths: " + ", ".join(weapon[weapony]["Strengths"])

    Oh no, sorry, \x02 only works inside of quotes! So it should work if you change it to "\x02%s\x02" %(weapony)
    Nothing. Haha.

    Hey, you should read the Xanth novels. I think you'd like them a lot.
    I'm pretty sure I've responded to all this, so I'm going to type this completely redundant reply now.
    ...it could be a lot creepier, trust me. Consider yourself lucky.

    By the way, I shot you an email, but I only want you to read it the last possible chance you have! It's meant as a goodbye letter.

    I'm never going to call you Elektronika, by the way. It sounds cold. You're always going to be Mewtini.
    She's alive ~

    I'm so sorry I missed you on IRC! D: I was at the library. Ugh, I feel stupid now, haha. I had a dream the other day that every time I got up from my computer, you got onto IRC. And every time I came back, you quit. I must've happened five times in a minute. I guess it's not entirely inaccurate, haha.
    If you're still alive, reply to this! Well, if you still come here, anyway. I didn't properly say goodbye, and we can't have that.
    Muutini you're leaving again :c I meant to reply sooner, but things. I really hope you come back soon. Like I still wanna talk to you and stuff butbut yeah :c
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