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  • Aw, I'm sorry about that. But you never know, you may find someone in your town.

    Heh, I do. ^_^ I've cast a few spells, but all of them have been healing spells and they were all performed on myself (to rid myself of colds and such). I haven't cast any kind of love spell or anything, really. But I heed the Rule of Three and the Witch's Reed, so while I'm not hesitant per se to perform magic, I'm not going to jump in and start shooting off spells left and right.
    Heh, glad to help. ^_^ Do you know anyone in your area who are Wiccan or interested as well? You can look on Witchvox.com, if you're feeling trusting in the internet to find some people, or just ask around if you don't have to be scared of being burned at the stake. XD

    Ah yes, it's good that you're thinking like that. Magic is not something to jump into. D: Hiscock's got a good book on magic, and of course almost every Wiccan author touches on it.
    A few good authors are Raymond Buckland, Arin Murphey Hiscock and Ellen Dugan. Dugan writes for teens, so she's a great place to start. Also look into Silver RavenWolf and Raven Grimassi, although Grimassi's work is a bit dry for my taste.

    Do you have any interest in magic?
    I see. Yeah, that's basically what I felt when I read my first book on Wicca. Have you read any? I personally recoment Scott Cunningham's Wicca: The Guide for the Solitary Practitioner. Cunningham is a very good, well-rounded author and my favourite. <3
    Ah XD New Age, eh...I just follow my own course. XD So what got you interested in Wicca?
    XD You didn't know? I swear I mention it every other post. XD

    Always glad to know another Wiccan~ *high five*


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