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  • Yay! *goes to find brother for laptop* I am not going to try it on this laptop. Not after the chaos requesting the signature caused. =P
    Herro people! It's been a quiet few hours. So I'm on my Wii watching Marriland on YouTube and I've tried to sort things out on Wikia. I've managed to request a sig after half an hour and said "Hi! =P" to people. It's kinda starting to work out
    It'a funny because I entered with my usual ".-." greeting while they were talking about stalkers or something
    Must've been a very deep conversation
    Bro, I know that feeling so much. Except with my father. And both brothers.
    All I can say is... If you need to talk someone, as it always helps me to talk with friends, I'm here.
    Best song ever~
    Bai bai! *wave*

    EDIT: Also my thoughts when watching those
    1) ... :3
    2) ............ Wait what
    3) ... Troll granny
    4) ... 030 My brand of music, da~
    5) :0 A Vegeta rap??
    6) .... Da crap did I just watch

    And I has stuffs you (and goshdarnit you will watch the whole thing) could watch (and I'm not joking in saying this was the first YT video I ever watched)
    Here have some more
    Why aren't there more views on that
    That is hilarious

    Vegeta, most likely. Just because HE'S A MOOOOOONKEY

    ... Lol brain damaged Namekian
    Only problem is...
    Asdfghjkl my laptop is in the car and the keys are with my mom who is currently in a conference
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