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  • Derp out of fear that Rainn will fall for him

    I have an account on Cheatsguru.
    I have more, but...
    I can't remember them right at the moment. :/
    Omjiggles :0
    I had a series of dreams involving DBZ this past season.
    See, I was writing a fanfic about a girl Saiyan named Cheriko that was alongside Vegeta, Raditz and Nappa when Vegeta-sei was destroyed.
    And I had at least seven dreams where I was Cheriko and I was conquering planets and all that jazz with the Saiyan crew. 0_o
    Strange, but awesome saucy.
    Maybe, it i can find another. The thing about the other one was the colours were dull.
    I'm on chapter 4. I notice you switch around tense, which is confusing. I'll use this paragraph as an example. Corrections in bold.

    "Such a sweet boy..." Winston repeats, as if it would make any difference to anything. His wife is dead, and all he can do now is remember her. And raise a mutant. All alone. Winston hugs Zeke closer, about to cry. He feels helpless, and like everything was lost. As a single tear runs down his cheek, he considers, for a split second, giving Zeke up. As soon as the thought enters Winston's mind, he feelsthe cold touch of one of the drills Zeke had instead of hands on his cheek, wiping the tear away.
    The drills were dull now, but would eventually sharpen.


    "Such a sweet boy..." Winston repeated, as if it would make any difference to anything. His wife wass dead, and all he could do now was to remember her. And raise a mutant. All alone. Winston hugged Zeke closer, about to cry. He felt helpless, and like everything was lost. As a single tear ran down his cheek, he considerred, for a split second, giving Zeke up. As soon as the thought entered Winston's mind, he felt the cold touch of one of the drills Zeke had instead of hands on his cheek, wiping the tear away.
    the drills were dull now, but would eventually sharpen.
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