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  • Also, another stupid question. How can I not make Ruby feel lonley?
    AG means ArachnidsGrip. It's the username of one Homestuck character. The "all of them" thing is her catchphrase.
    Well as long as you weren't doing it maliciously you probably wouldn't get in trouble if you fix the mistake (also eggdexes are also against the rules so you probably don't wanna spread that one around)
    Yeah you do know that you're not supposed to be using GPX+ egg sprites for your own adoptables, right? :| Especially the Easter Buneary and Christmas Spirit Drifloon (i think that's what that one is?) ones, since they're special customs for the site.

    They could get on your rear about that and I know they do that to people using them offsite without them being actual GPX+ adopts. From the rules:

    Here are some main website ideas that we do not approve of that can cause your website to be blocked:
    -Stealing our layout or custom images
    -Stealing our exploration stories/artwork

    Oh, and the internet thing has changed for now. My mom is getting internet installed this weekend, so I think we will have internet at home this summer! :D

    Oh, and I saw the message about the pics you over-rode....
    You didn't find someone else to do it, did you?! D:
    I still wanted to do it!
    Can I! Prease!!!
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