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  • er, I guess it's too late since effercon's posted commands already, but earthquake still won't work on inherently hovering pokémon.
    Thanks so much for helping spread the word, Noctowl! I don't know if Aerbro told you or not, but you can transfer some of your Pokemon as well. You are from TCoD after all!
    i hope it's okay but i trie
    Let's see... Hearts A Mess is the first thing I think of when I think of Like Drawing Blood. I love that song. I also like Coming Back pretty well. The videos for both are pretty interesting (and funny for the latter)
    Save Me is really sweet. I can relate to it a lot.
    I have his albums Like Drawing Blood and Making Mirrors. There's a couple in Like Drawing Blood I really like, but I definitely think Making Mirrors is his best one so far.
    A friend of mine from Australia showed me the music video for Somebody That I Used To Know last year because she thought it was really artsy and cool and stuff, and I wound up looking for the rest of his music after that.
    Which song's your favorite? :D It's hard for me to pick one but I really like Eyes Wide Open.
    This was my first serious relationship, so all things considered it wasn't that bad at all, haha. But yeah, we're better off as friends.
    Thanks for your concern. I wish things could've gone differently, but we've solved this without any fighting or crap, so... that's good, at least?
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