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  • Yay!

    Surviving, I guess. Pretty much every single friend of mine (except Dan who's boyfriend broke up with him, and Leah) is taken. Its making me feel lonely.
    I always screw up on it, and for some reason that game angers me more than any other when I die. There are a few levels I just can't beat and it PISSES ME OFF IN A WAY NO OTHER GAME DOES.
    From now on, good sir, I christen thee Mikey!
    And now I plan to be active a lot more. =]
    Ehehehe, sorry! Some of my posts and messages can end up being waay bigger than I intended for them to be. Or I just don't mind. But uh, the recipients might. :D; But I like adding information and elongating sentences where I feel it's appropriate, hehe.

    Oh, that sounds useful! Does it stop only after 360 degrees or can it stop at any angle so you can fit it into your mouth at any point?

    Yikes, that sounds tough. At least you get paid though. :D I haven't started looking for a Saturday or Sunday job yet. My ideal place would be friendly and not too demanding, and also somewhere that wouldn't mind if I missed a few days' work if I wanted to. In fact, what'd be really great would be somewhere where it's almost completely optional to work, and you just get paid when you do work there. But that's probably a lot to ask and I shouldn't be picky considering my age and lack of experience. But hey.

    An almost pornographic sign? Hawhaw. x)

    Err, the book shop probably contains black books, but that's not the focus of the series, no. x3 It's a comedy about three people who work in a book shop.

    Ouch, I wouldn't be able to stand being forced into something like maths - not that my parents'd do that; I was lucky to get a B at GCSE - but do you like it? That's the main thing. :3 And yes, I'm in the sixth form too - Year 12. Eeh, you do history too? I'm really not enjoying history this year, but I'm determined to get better at it.

    I've never heard of Banjo Kazooie - I think - but yay. Oh hey, are you planning on getting Platinum when it comes out? I'm not sure if I will due to having loads of revision I'll need to do - I might as well just wait until the exams are over.

    Aww, I hope you figure it out. ^^ By scoring, do you mean romantically? Hehe, I haven't been following your comic exactly, I'm sorry to say, but that'd be amusing to read, seeing as your character seems so aghast at the idea of, say, sleeping with someone. x) From the little I've read. I should read more! It's a funny comic.

    I need your help understanding some logic. Explain this sentence in a way that makes sense:

    "So if she weighs as much as a duck, she must be made of wood!"
    Psssh. I'm a lazy arse anytime.
    And it got wet again. Which is good. I like the rain, alooot.
    But I'm being forced to use an umbrella. Booooo. >_>
    I feel your paaaaaaaaaain.

    On an unrelated note:

    a) I'm suddenly able to play piano at least a little;
    and b) apparently it's funny that I was asked to quit my old cheerleading team. ^^
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