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  • Eep, Mike, I'm really sorry I haven't replied for ages. >.<

    Ooh, those presents sound awesome. ; ; A special fork for eating spaghetti? Who got you that? It's frickin' awesome. Ah, extra memory sticks are always good. I have one that might soon drop out my overstuffed folder that I really should sort out, and I'm not sure it holds all that much. It's been good so far, though! It's kept my English coursework on it and such. Mind me asking if you're also in a sixth form or a college? If not, consider it asked.

    Nah, I say that's a fine way to spend New Year's Day. :D Gaww, it's so cool that your parents own a pub. Do they ask you to help out with it? And do they pay you for it? x3 No, just kidding. I know family doesn't have to pay family... but do they? xD

    Yeah, Jonathon Creek's a programme my parents seem to watch occasionally and I only watched it on that occasion... there are several programs, though, that my parents have talked about and they turned out to be good, like Blackadder and Black Books, so eh. Have you seen Black Books?

    Yus, I did go on work experience to Germany and it was awesome, thanks. :D I'm so happy I went, it was a really fun experience. Although I've had Broken Strings stuck in my head for several days because a person on the trip kept playing it. It's a good song, though, so no matter. There were parrots that said "hallo" and employees that squawked impressively well where I worked, which was in a pet shop. Yes, I did get the parrots and employees saying "hallo" and the employees squawking the right way round, though it works in reverse as well. :D Ehe, it says more in the thread, but a lot of funny things happened. It was also really interesting to see just how good one of the work experience company reps, who was English, was at German.

    So yeah, sorry it's taken ages to reply. D: How've you been these past few months?
    My scanner doesn't work and I have no camera. Can you think of a way to get a picture onto the computer that isn't one of those or copying it pixel by pixel in MSPaint?
    Heh. XD

    Meh, maybe I don't give off social vibes. I don't in real life, after all.
    Is that what a moose says? What the hell does a moose say? Damnit my first animal sounds book, you've failed me!

    And yes, yes I do. Needsmoarcoffeh
    Good. Ironic, sorta, how I ended up dropping you a message. Do we think alike about when we go on? 0.O
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