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  • ...Ohh. Heh. Yeah, I guess I kinda didn't notice that.

    Yeah, I know. x) I was being deliberately awkward. Not that I do that a lot! *whistles innocently* No, not really, I do occasionally. Anyway. Perhaps I will shrink one day - my whole body apart from my head - so that my head becomes disproportionately large by comparison, but that day has not come yet. :D If it does, I'll send pictures.

    Whoa, you're teaching yourself Italian? That's so neat! I'd love to do that, or teach myself a language other than Italian - is it hard? Italian sounds rather lovely. Good for you, Mike!

    Aw, why on earth would I not want that? x3 It'd be fun to see you there. On the other hand, I doubt you'd want my dad wandering 'round Southampton docks, gawking at boats, while you're trying to... do something related to your degree or something. What is it you're doing, by the way? I've somehow forgotten.

    Also, dangit, did I forget your birthday? Happy birthday for then if so.
    I don't remember, 'twas a long time ago. And Apollo doesn't seem to following the scheme so closely... but the majority of the Phoenix games mostly do.
    Oh. Shame.

    Don't you find it odd how in most cases, the third witness turns out to be the real killer?
    Actually, that's a good idea. Most Pokemon who learn Me First have some sort of extrasensory powers, so yeah. Thing is, Riolu doesn't learn Me First; Lucario does.

    Hmm... I'm not so sure about the priority moves thing - after all, even Trick Room doesn't negate its priority. The speed thing seems a bit meh-ish, unless you reduce your teammates' speeds in a double battle as well, in which case I think it'd be fine. And could you elaborate on the postponing thing...?
    You might be able to make your attacks more accurate while Me Time is Free Time is active. But then it'd start to sound like Gravity.
    Hmm, well, maybe he used his aura to read Dialga's actions while he was warping time enough to have a vague idea of how it did it? I dunno.

    Also, I'm thinking of giving one of my Swablu a signature move when he becomes an Altaria. Something involving scattering fluff and then breathing dragon fire on it. I was thinking of making it dragon-type, cause minor damage, cause a burn, and decrease movement speed by 2 for three actions.
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