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  • *still is not done reffing*

    No, I meant if you couldn't pick up my battle with Dragon - and turns out you can't, 'cuz Metallica Fanboy just picked it up.
    I think I'll ref that, though. The battle between Loco Mocho and FMC can't last long, anyway xP
    Orly? Maybe I should check that out - after I finish this reffing, of course xP

    *twitches and tightens grip on trigger, but doesn't shoot*
    Yeahhh~ Or, hey, maybe you could ref my battle between me and Jack_the_PumpkinKing, and I ref another one of your battles? :0
    Ohwait that's 5 battles too many x.X
    Aw, pffft, Coke for the win. It's got craploads of glucose in it, and it's got caffeine.
    Or even better, coffee with five bags of sugar! Or six! Or seven! Or - *shot*

    No idea what IWBTG is, either xP
    And well, I've already posted the reffing trade thing, so if it doesn't get taken by the time you (probably) become a ref, then you're free to take it :3
    ...I have no idea what Lucozade is. I don't believe they sell it around these areas...? Is it, like, highly-caffeinated crap? :D

    Yay~ Wait, so then you'll take 3 hours to type it? Eh, as long as you do type it, we're both happy.
    Now to propose a reffing trade because Dragon keeps bothering me about trying to get my battle with her reffed... >.> *mumbles*
    Orly? :0 I went on a sugar high today. Yesterday the geography teacher made us make a model of soil layers using crushed Oreo cookies, pudding, chocolate chips, and gummy worms - and we got to eat it all! I have delayed reactions to sugar, though, so around lunch I started giggling like no tomorrow.

    FASTAR. *cracks ice-fishing rod some moar*
    *stares at blank wall*
    D: Whyyyy are my room walls so uninteresting

    Yeahhh~ So hurry up and write it! *cracks ice-fishing rod*
    *clappity clap*

    Ohyah~ So we won't have to wait long either way, I suppose? :0
    Eeeep I want to use my Lileep so bad D:
    XD Melting pets. I've heard that only works with the petpet lab ray. ^^ Ah well, its my dream so I'm gonna go for it.

    Ps. Edible purple socks? =O Purple's my fave colour. XD
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