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  • Lol, don't worry. I'll get the lab map in the end. XD I can't believe someone got grey from that though, I thought that wasn't part of the lab map list. =] I loved grey until the conversion.
    *gives you confident-pills*
    Yeah, it did. But you suggested that I say it. So maybe I should make it into my catchphrase! >:U
    Speaking of the TWEWY arena, I've become unbarred now, so if you've finished typing out the description we can battle~

    *blows smoke from gun* No. No hugs. >:U
    Yeah, I randomly miss buffs often, so I don't think she'll count it towards you all that much. There aren't many little things, actually; she goes easy for novice reffings, so as long as the health and energy isn't too far off (by too far I'd say 5% or more? Dunno) then you're safe.
    Orly? You gotta link one of those posts to me! And if we suggest it to her as a catchphrase, you do eet >.> *has a slight phobia of mods*

    Sure we can! :D All my friends in real life are afraid to hug me because if they do I'll snap and hit them or something. So s'all good!
    Just follow the criticism that Negrek gives you and you'll be fine. If you're REALLY good, you'll get in on your first try, but it usually takes two or three times.
    I know. The only two battles I've completed are ones against KQ and RandomTyphoon, though the one against RT was finished when she didn't post and was disqualified. It's kind of why I don't like ASB as much, because I never really am able to finish battles. :/
    Yeah, me too xD A lot of referees do that, so I don't think it's too much to worry about.
    I was talking about the attack boost from Swagger, not the one from getting damaged before Toxicroak executed Payback.
    You'd be right about the energy, but Swagger is a pretty abused attack in ASB. Same with Toxic; you'd expect it to cost around 3% energy, since it doesn't involve that much moving and stuff, but it has 10 PP (which translates into around 4% energy). It's broken, though, so if it's a non-Poison Pokemon using it Negrek usually slices off 5% energy.

    Well, sometime on Saturday. Maybe Sunday. It's not set in stone :0 And if Negrek actually says that, in all caps, I'd laugh. Apparently she has a love for CAPS that she works hard to supress on the internet.

    Psst, and I'm allergic to hugs *chokes and dies*
    *burps and a hairball comes flying out of my mouth*

    Well... Promise you won't edit your reffing? >.> (haha don't mind me I'm paranoid)

    First things first, if the number of Double Team clones isn't specified, then the Pokemon produces the maximum number it can, not two. But don't worry, I made that mistake all the time, too, before Negrek came and slapped some sense into me. So... Judging by Toxicroak's speed, it would've been able to make... 5-ish clones? Something like that.

    Toxicroak's energy is fine - your calculations were off by 1% from mine, but I tend to not chop off enough energy from time to time anyway - but for health I got something closer to 85% left. Again, it's not too much off, but I figured I'd point that out anyway.

    Snorlax's energy is good - I got the exact same figure. Damage is a bit off, since I think you forgot to factor in the attack boost for Payback. I got 80%, though Kratos would've gotten something closer to 79%, and Negrek would've gotten something around 81%.
    Finally, in ASB I do believe confusion is the same in the game, as in it has a 50% chance or not attacking.

    Your mock reffing wasn't bad, actually; for your first time, I have to say it was really good. So yeah, you'll probably get approved.
    Well, as long as they get brought back to life. One of the battles is from last September, the other is from...a few months ago, and I think there are one or two more.
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