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  • OOO PORK *dives in*
    ...Nevermind. Lucky you, I just had dinner.

    Pffft. Mafia murders are always the most brutal. There was this one dude who was impaled by a traffic sign through the stomach and stuck onto the centerpiece of a fountain. Fun~

    Hm, well... Sure, this one doesn't look that hard. And I do believe I'm forbidden to give you any tips beyond that, since that'll be, well, sorta kinda cheating xP
    *shifty eyes* What? I didn't say anything. You heard nothing.

    Pfft, lucky foxhog you. You won't get brutally murdered in any way.
    I wonder how I'll get murdered :D
    The tissue. Though I've been wondering how foxhog tastes as of late... I MEAN *cough*

    Well then, the fun of reading the Referee Headquarters posts are exponentially smaller :| Hey, but the Mafia threads are fun to read. I've been re-reading them to gain a better understanding of how to play the game -.-

    Oh, I've already read everything on the ASB forum. Heh. No life :D
    The referee headquarters are awesome. You get to see fail-reffings and not-so-fail reffings. And at one point Whivit cashed in a bunch of emergency reffings, one per post, and used one random word for every post. That was strangely amusing.

    >.> I'm researching my Pokemon at the moment to see what hold items I should give them... *mumbles and shambles off*
    But the rocks are mine. As in, if anyone other than me eats them, they'll explode and make a hole in your stomach.

    Oh, but they did, because reality on the internet is bent like that. *points to remaining tissue on her head*
    New Blood is awesome. When getting the game, I had the choice of that or Second Opinion. I think tht New blood is just a bit more racially equal than the others.

    Plus I can invite people over to operate with me.
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