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  • The X missions are hell. I tried some on New Blood and ghraaaaa

    Managed to complete up to Onyx with a friend though. Love Co-Op mode.
    Hurray for restocking! =[ Well, not really...I've missed several 300k items in my neo lifetime. D= I vowed to never restock without monies again.

    Haha, I just love baby buzz too much. =3 Though I do like royal and faerie pets but the paint brushes cost loads and I'll never get there. D=
    Woohoo! Hopefully I won't get bored by then. XD You saving up for anything? I want the lab map to use on my shoyru, and then a baby paint brush for my buzz. =3
    That the 'no' option in your attempt at a paradox does not cause a paradoxical situation, so instead you chose to say "I'll beat you", as a cover-up.

    *explodes* How long did that take? =[ I'm sad now, I thought I was going good with my 10k a day. D=
    No, because the judge was very impatient to begin with. :x

    (plus I was only watching and I wasn't even testifying)

    (they were about to call me to be a witness but then some other crap happened)
    ... no. it didn't. xD

    I want the next AA game and also Explorers of Sky

    wait I'm actually getting Sky later today

    I was at marching band once and this one trumpeter was testifying about an event that had happened earlier that day. I was there for the event and I saw what happened, so I yelled "Objection!" because I actually could see a contradiction.

    ... the judge wouldn't let me speak D:
    One of my friends actually signed up on TCoD once, but she only made like three posts and then left. xD

    Three of my real-life friends play Pokémon... actually one of them was the one who got me into Pokémon in the first place. My cousins don't approve of my Pokémon obsession, so they dislike her without having ever met her. o.O
    I once told a friend who possessed nothing past Sapphire something about Lucario and the next time I saw her she was like "I looked in the Pokédex book... there's no such Pokémon as Lucario." and I just said "... it's the fourth generation."

    And awwww. I love you. <3
    Oh, right, I'm missing Spiritomb too. I put an Odd Keystone in, went underground and talked to my Pearl character 32 times, but I guess maybe I miscounted or something, because it wasn't there and I haven't felt like trying again since.

    Now that I think about it, it was a really good thing that I found that Munchlax when I did. I mean, obviously, but... actually, after checking all the trees in the slathering trip where I found the Munchlax I was planning to import Heracross and Snorlax from Emerald and FR... but I'm kind of happy that I found a Munchlax instead.

    (it means the game loves me! xDDD)
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