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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Hmm... That'd be a pretty good idea, considering I'd probably just ink over the sketch anyway. I haven't been able to connect with the digital camera either lately, though... I think I accidentaly deleted the program that lets me connect to the printer that reads the SD cards or something... (I don't have a direct connection) I could probably fix it I'm just feeling kinda lazy right now... =P Thanks for the tip though. I'll try it, and if it works for me, I'll use that until my dad can set me up a scanner.

    I kinda forgot about that blocker thing lol... I might be able to e-mail them to you or something xD
    This is the first time I heard of Elebits. What is it? =S
    And concerning your ability to draw, you'll be able to someday so long as you keep practicing. =) "Practice makes perfect" as they say. ;D

    Ahh, Majoras Mask... I remember playing that game on the N64 at my cousin's place. =D I had such a hard time getting the Romani's Mask the first time around (but then again, I was an inexperienced gamer back then). =P By the way, do you happen to know how to slow down time or skip half a day in the game? I could tell you if you like.
    Hey Notory, me and you and Typh and Zach Braff and Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry and Rowan Atkinson and someone from House and the Mythbusters are gonna be pirates some day.

    Is that cool with you? :3

    That's phreakin' awesome!
    You went into my house, hacked my Sas's electronic gun safe and stole it. (All accidentally, of course.)
    Well, I've written to Mike wih a message that consisted of:

    "._." before, and Murkrow once wrote"." to him.

    And Mike's touched the limit of words in a VM before. You're safe |D
    What if I accidentally tripped you while you had a gun in your hand the the trigger went off and shot me?
    I want an Eevee, too. ;ω;

    Anyway, my writing needs improvement. -_-;; Hopefully it'll improve over time.
    So... what's new with you? ^ω^
    I was convo-stalking you guys, and I was pretty confident you were talking about my name.

    Shoot me if I'm delusional. It's likely.
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