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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Notoriously Unknown

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  • This link.
    The first chapter may seem uninteresting but I assure you the rest of the story will take a different turn. Right now, I'm currently trying to make the first chapter sound not uninteresting.
    See? I blew that out of proportion and AFTER posting the message, I realized that you chat with a lot of other people, too, and you could have easily forgotten about my previous lesson.

    Now then: let's DANCE! ♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

    EDIT: Now that I think about it, have you clicked the link I provided you? (It leads to a certain thread on this site...
    ...Um... do you find me uninteresting to talk with out of everybody you chat with?
    Have you seen my art thread thingy yet? I'm working on getting access to a scanner so I can post hand-drawn works as well... thinking about starting a comic or something.
    Notory's not your real name?! SHATTER MY DREAMS WHY DON'T YOU ;.; *cries in a corner*

    Now Notoriously would certainly be an uncommon name. Same with Unknown =)
    No. Cos your name's spelt N-O-T-O-R-Y and Carly is spelt C-A-R-L-Y.

    And I was kiddiiiiiing =D *hugs*
    HI CARLS! *Shot*
    *Tries to find where shot came from* WHo shot that?
    Anyway, you can guess my real name all you like but I doubt you'll ever get it. =P
    Ryann (REE-ann): Yeah, that's 'cause his first name is actually- *shot*
    *Hides firearm* WHEN WILL YOU EVER DIE!?
    But I'm one of the voices in your head; you can't kill me. XP
    Wow, an hour and a half. O.o New record...?

    On another note, I officially now know the real names of five people on this site! ^w^ You, Typh, Mike, Scyther and Kali te Flygon (who randomly added me in his MSN contact list. O.o). And nobody still knows my real name... =P
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