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Notoriously Unknown

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  • I had no part in that madness. :< But, this is why it annoys me when you act overly-modest. You can't possibly be oblivious to all these friends you have.

    Also, I know it's none of my business, but what happened? Did your trip get extended?
    I have nothing to do with it...I think....anyway OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG*takes breath*OMGOMGOMGOMG ZOMG YOU IS BACK 8DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    But... On a lighter note... Hi... :3
    Notory, you are back.
    :D *hugs you*

    (This freaking you out...? If so...er, please don't get mad because I wasn't going battle-ax-crazeh so much...you're really the only person I would'nt mind meeting, but you know how I can't spaz over stuff >:
    Aaand I was getting freaked out *A BLOODY THREAD. REALLY. JUST BECAUSE YOU WERE GONE. If it was a month or a year, suuuure, I kinda get that, but ergh.)
    NOTORY!! 8D *tackles* I became so attached to you while you were gone! Um!
    Mehwmew tried and he got banned. I thought'd I try again. I'm in a bit of an argument about it with Surskitty right now, but I beg of you not to read it, because you'll regret it. No, I'm really serious.
    I think you may be the only one. I'm determined to change that, however.

    Do you think that I should talk to Butterfree about unbanning Mehwmew?
    Well, at least it goes to show how much Nottie means to us and how much we care for her as friends. Now isn't that something? ^w^
    And just a thought, am I the only person here who knows Notory's e-mail address?

    (By the way, if you're reading this Nottie, post in your profile to reply to all of us).
    @Skroy: I was going to try that, but I couldn't access her e-mail I'm assuming because I'm not a contact.
    The fact that she said she'd be back, and that she has cancer, seems to be making us irrational. It's probably no big deal.
    V Exactly. Her internet's BEEN on "the fritz" before, actually, and it could be that.
    ...Actually the fact that half of you are massively, massively worried, and even made a thread about it...is kinda scaring me into thinking something is wrong...but that's just me. >>;
    Okay, guys, I'm trying to contact Nottie via e-mail in case she did get blocked from this site. I'm hoping she replies to the message I sent (or at least access her e-mail account)...

    And also, I thought up of another likely scenario: her computer might be on the fritz and it needs to be repaired/replaced.
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