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  • If you go with the xkcd definitions of "nerd" and "geek", then I am a nerd in general and a geek for some things. :)
    Aww, well if you do get to see Sherlock, I'm sure you'll love it - it's very clear it's by the writers of Doctor Who (lots of witty dialogue, fantastic deductions, confusion from the main character over everyone not being as brilliant as he is, mountains of gay subtext between everyone...), and the second series is coming out sometime this year. I'm not sure if it's in the summer or autumn, but I can't WAIT :D

    Oh wow, it's amazing that your friend was able to do that. Yeah, I'd love so much to be able to do something similar (only without the cancer, obviously. And I'm glad your friend is fine now). Visiting the Doctor Who said would be amaaaaazing, or, if I could use a time machine (steal the Tardis?), I'd also love to visit the set of Buffy when they were filming :D
    Aww, I'm sorry about the picture making you sad (though if you want to make yourself sadder, this should do it ;;). The tribute after this week's episode was lovely.

    I'd love to be an extra in a Who episode. They seem to do most of the filming in Wales (one of my favourite quotes is David Tennant saying "You'd be surprised how many alien planets look like quarries in Cardiff"), and they apparently filmed an episode on Dartmoor (which isn't far from me) in the 1970s or something, but that's about it.
    Although they're doing The Hound of the Baskervilles as a Sherlock episode (do you watch Sherlock? I forget.) and that's meant to be set on Dartmoor, so I hope they do on-location filming for it :D

    I think I should find myself a good Sarah Jane icon. Hm. Watch this space...
    Oh, I'd love to ghost hunt! You're the perfect person to talk to because I've been wanting to get into some of it lately. ^^ I've actually been really wanting a good EVP recorder. Is there a particular kind you use when going out? I'm vaguely kind of a spiritualist, so I do think there are spirits... however, I'm open to absolutely ALL possibilities. It's an amazing thing to research because so much of it is just very unknown and I can't say anything with much certainty.

    I also have a suspicion things lurk all over the place, or at least can wander... I wouldn't consider my place haunted, but I'd definitely like to know what's here first! How about you? Have you ever gone through your own house and done anything?
    Oh, really? That's amazing! I actually ran into someone at a con a while back that created the Paranormal Society at one of the colleges he went to. He held a degree in Aerospace Operations and everything. I believe he was quite fond of UFO activities and wanted to research UFO crashes in particular. What do you particularly enjoy or research for the paranormal? I find almost all of it fascinating.

    c: Also, thank you for the warm welcome!
    I do love your new icon/signature combo, but you're missing a few of my favourite SJ lines. My absolute favourite is "There's nothing 'only' about being a girl" (from The Monster of Peladon, if memory serves), and her telling the Doctor to make his own damn coffee in their first-ever conversation was pretty amazing, too.
    And there are too many brilliant lines from The Sarah Jane Adventures (which I think I actually like more than Doctor Who sometimes - I wonder what they'll do with the show now?), but the one that stands out most in my mind is "Maria, there are two kinds of people in the world. There are those who panic, and then there's us". Oh, and "I'm not past my sell-by date yet!". Oh, Sarah Jane. You were easily my favourite character in the entire Whoniverse, and possibly my favourite character in anything.

    Oh god, I'd love to go to a filming of a Who episode. I know someone who was sitting in cafe in Cardiff one day and then someone came in saying they were filming a scene for Torchwood and needed a ton of random people out in the street in panic, so she and her friends all went out and ran around for a bit and I think you can see them in one episode or another. I am very jealous :p
    I know, I'm really looking forward to it. Well, except that I'm still really depressed about Lis and anything Whoniverse-related makes me sad at the moment (my god, I did not realise how much Who stuff I have. Yesterday I went to play some Pokemon Black to make myself feel better, then realised the best Pokemon on my team is called Sarah Jane and then cried some more), but new Who is always good, and the episode looks to be excellent (first time they're filming in the US, very exciting!). I shall definitely watch the 15-minute tribute-thing, but I know I'll be an absolute wreck during it.

    It's really great that the US gets this series' episodes the same time we do, though - let me know what you think of it :)
    I hope not...maybe they'll make it where he was just dreaming. man i hope they do, it wouldn't be the same without him D: It's such a shame. Coffee? I will join you! (even though I only watched DW 1)
    I know! My mom was walking around for an hour going, 'They killed him! They. Killed. Him!" Maybe they got rid of him because they don't plan on continuing it? :(
    I wasn't sure he would bother them at all but that music was strange. How are they supposed to continue without the vampire? D=
    Nah, that's why I don't take more than three battles at once. I'll never forget—and I like to ref them circularly in order.
    I'm aware. I usually don't have much time to ref during the weekdays, and I was away almost all day today. I'll get to it tomorrow morning.
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