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  • Still need to watch more Doctor Who. Have only seen a few. I really don't watch a lot of TV and I end up forgetting stuff when they are on. I've forgotten to watch Mythbusters ever Wednesday for like a month...

    So yeah. :3
    ...Did I just find another Craig Ferguson fan? Squee! i've been finding more and more of them around here...
    Would you mind if I used the sonic toothbrush picture in your signature for my avatar. It's just that I love and it is quite possibly the greatest thing I've ever seen.
    You said we should talk, so yeah, let's talk. :3

    I've seen you post around before, and you seem nice despite my odd initial bad vibes. I'm not sure what that was all about.
    Um, maybe there was a risk that one of the members of the cabinet brought their own gas mask because they're always paranoid, and if one of them survived, they'd be suspicious about him still being alive even though he had no gas mask. Not that him not needing to breathe for a would be the biggest thing on their mind what with him being a murderer.

    Either that or it was connected to laughing gas.
    Ah, I see. Thank you very much! Sounds very interesting! And thank you for the links! I'll have to check them out now~
    Hey, Phantom? I was wondering... What exactly is Doctor Who? I've seen a few people talk about it, and it seems quite interesting~
    Meh, I'm bored of that at the moment, maybe later. But thanks for the tips.
    They were testing the myth that a duck's voice doesn't echo. A sound expert attached a voice-meter thing to the duck, and asked Jamie to make the duck quack. after several unsuccesful attempts, he told the duck:

    "Quack, damn you."

    (and if you meant why is it in the thread, I don't know.)
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